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ADM-211 : Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin Exam
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Exam Code : ADM-211
Exam Name : Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin
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Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin
New records of the custom object can only be accessed from the related list on the parent record.
A custom app containing the custom tab is automatically created.
New records of the custom object can be created from the sidebar.
Answer: A, B, E
Question: 363
Which statement is TRUE for a master-detail relationship? Select all that apply.
Record access of detail records are controlled by the master record.
A master record and a related detail record can have different owners.
Deleting a master record, also deletes the detail record.
A detail record can be shed using sharing rules
Answer: A, C
Question: 364
What is a benefit of creating a custom app for users?
Provide users with a place to share and install apps.
Allow users to manage custom objects and tab.
Gives users access to the tabs and records they need.
Differentiates standard and custom objects for users
Answer: C
Question: 365
What privileges can be given to delegated administrator? (Select all the apply)
Modify the role hierarchy.
Create and edit users.
Assign users to specified profiles.
Modify profile permissions.
Manage custom objects.
Answer: B, C, E
Question: 366
How can Tonya enforce that the Region field contains a value regardless of how the lead is created?
Make the Region field universally required.
Make the Region field required on the page layout.
Create a validation rule on the Region Field.
Answer: C
Question: 367
A Which tools can be use to reduce the number of existing duplicate records?
Merge Wizard
Dashboard Pack
App Exchange solutions
Apex Trigger
Answer: A, C
Question: 368
What records can be cleaned and enriched using Data.com? {Select all that apply.)
Answer: A, B, E
Question: 369
What type of information can be recorded in a debug log? (Select a II that apply)
Data Storage
Answer: A, C, D
Question: 370
What functionality can be used to create a new related record when a user saves a record?
Validation rule.
Work flow rule.
Visual force page.
Apex trigger.
Answer: D
Question: 371
What actions occur before a request enters the first approval step?
final approval actions
final rejection actions
Initial submission actions
Step actions
Answer: C
Question: 372
What tools are available to help troubleshoot issues with an approval process? (Select all that apply)
Approval History related list
Visual force Pages
Sales force email logs
Apex triggers
Answer: A, C
Question: 373
Which element would you use to route the flow differently based on whether the customer is interested in the product promotion, shipping promotion, or not interested?
Answer: C
Question: 374
Which element would you use to determine if the customer is interested in a product or shipping promotion.
Answer: D
Question: 375
What element would you use to set an opportunity name variable t o "Product Promotion"?
Record Update
Record Create
Answer: C
Question: 376
Which element would you use to wrap up cross-selling and the call?
Answer: B
Question: 377
Identify the advantages of declarative customization.(Select all the apply.)
Enhance security
Ease of upgrades
Ease of maintenance.
No requirements for programming knowledge F.Ability to extend beyond standard functionality
Answer: B, C, D
Question: 378
Force.com is multi-tenant. What does this statement mean?
It can share hardware and other infrastructure.
Multiple resources can work on it at the same time.
It can be deployed at multiple locations.
There are multiple features to protect your data.
Answer: A
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