Salesforce ADM-261 Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : ADM-261
Exam Name : Service Cloud Administration
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Service Cloud Administration

Question: 91

UC wants to implement a Knowledge management process with the following requirements: It must contain four different kinds of content: customer FAQs, product specifications, contact center procedures, and product manuals. It must provide the ability to filter Knowledge search results by a single product, multiple products, or all 56 products. Any product-related content created by contact center agents must be approved by the contact center manager and the Knowledge manager before being published. Product content should only be visible internally to contact center agents who handle the product.

How should a consultant recommend that Knowledge be configured? Choose 3 answers.

A . Configure workflow rules for each data category

B . Configure article types for each kind of content C . Define approval processes for eacharticle type D . Define approval processes for each product

E . Configure data category values for each product

Answer: A,B,E

Question: 92

Universal Containers purchased Knowledge and would like to implement it as soon as possible. What approach should a consultant recommend?

A . Activate Knowledge One within the Salesforce Console for Service.

B . Create a Knowledge Visualforce component on the case detail page. C . Activate Knowledge One on the case detail page.

D . Create a Knowledge Visualforce component within the Salesforce Console for Service.

Answer: A

Question: 93

Universal Containers wants to implement best practices for its customer support teams and has decided to follow a Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) methodology Which two benefits can be expected from KCSadoption? Choose 2 answers

A . A knowledge article life cycle that is implemented correctly the first time and does not need to change B . Reduced first contact resolution

C . A knowledge article life cycle that evolves based on usage and demand D . Reduced issue resolution time

Answer: B,D

Question: 94

Universal Container’s agent’s need to be more productive when cases. Agent want to send email to customers prior to violating an SLA based on three different SLA levels using macros.

What two solutions can a consultant suggest to meet the agent’s requirements? Choose 2 answers

A . Add multiple ELSE IF blocks after the IF block

B . Add conditional logic to the instructions

C . Create a formula to build the macro logic around D . Add a formula block to the macro

Answer: C,D

Question: 95

Which two configuration steps are required before quick actions can be used in Macros? A . Global Actions needs on the publisher layout.

B . Quick Actions must be enabled in the org.

C . The specific quick action must be added to the case Feed.

D . The specific quick action must be added to the case record Type.

Answer: B,C

Question: 96

What should a consultant recommend to ensure chat requests contain enough information for reps to effectively respond?

A . Customize the lightning console that page. B . Configure a chat validation rule.

C . Customize the pre-chat form.

D . Configure lightning guided engagement.

Answer: C

Question: 97

In order to satisfy the internal Enterprise Security requirements, Universal Containers would like to conduct a Disaster

Recovery and Business Continuity exercise with Salesforce. This would involve taking the production copy and making sure agents can work from the production copy until production is restored. The results of the exercise are provided to Enterprise Security as part of an annual audit.

What should a Consultant recommend to support this exercise? A . Allow the exercise to be done in a Production instance

B . Use a Full copy sandbox for the DR exercise C . Use a Partial sandbox for the DR exercise

D . Use a Developer Pro sandbox for the DR exercise

Answer: B

Question: 98

A client’s Support Call Center has seen an increase in call volume on a new product line. The agents are having problems resolving issues and have been escalating to Tier 2 for support.

Which action should be taken to reduce the call volumes and escalations? A . Create Knowledge Articles and publish internally and publicly.

B . Configure IVR routing to bypass Tier 1 for the product line. C . Configure Omni-channel to assign cases directly to Tier 2.

D . Create a dashboard to track and manage call volumes by type.

Answer: A

Question: 99

Field engineers often need to access current inventory levels of products the customer has purchased while at customer sites.

Which solution should a Consultant recommend to meet this requirement? A . Implement Field Service Lightning.

B . Integrate with an enterprise resource planning system. C . Develop and publish a knowledge management system D . Configure Visual Flows on Salesforce mobile.

Answer: B

Question: 100

Universal Containers recently deployed a Salesforce Knowledge implementation, but is looking to evaluate the quality of the articles being produced.

What should the Consultant recommend to gather information on Knowledge article usefulness? A . Contact Salesforce to send a report on article efficacy.

B . Send out a monthly survey to customers requesting feedback.

C . Install Knowledge Base Dashboards and Reports AppExchange package. D . Create a group of super users that will evaluate and manage articles.

Answer: C

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