IBM C1000-172 Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : C1000-172
Exam Name : IBM Cloud Professional Architect v6
Vendor Name :

Question: 1

Which security feature in IBM Cloud allows you to manage and control access to your cloud resources using fine-grained permissions?

  1. IBM Cloud Security Groups

  2. IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  3. IBM Cloud Key Protect

  4. IBM Cloud Certificate Manager

    Answer: B

Explanation: IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to manage and control access to your cloud resources using fine-grained permissions. It provides centralized authentication, authorization, and user management, enabling you to define and enforce access policies for your IBM Cloud resources.

Question: 2

Which data analytics and data management service in IBM Cloud allows you to analyze large datasets and build machine learning models?

  1. IBM Cloud Watson Assistant

  2. IBM Cloud Db2 Warehouse

  3. IBM Cloud Streaming Analytics

  4. IBM Cloud DataStage

    Answer: B

Explanation: IBM Cloud Db2 Warehouse is a data analytics and data management service that allows you to analyze large datasets and build

machine learning models. It provides a scalable and high-performance environment for running analytics workloads, enabling you to gain insights from your data.

Question: 3

Which IBM Cloud resiliency feature provides automated backup and restore capabilities for virtual servers and block volumes?

  1. IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services

  2. IBM Cloud Internet Services

  3. IBM Cloud Object Storage

  4. IBM Cloud Backup

    Answer: D

Explanation: IBM Cloud Backup provides automated backup and restore capabilities for virtual servers and block volumes. It allows you to schedule regular backups of your data and applications, ensuring that you can quickly recover from data loss or system failures.

Question: 4

When designing cloud solutions in IBM Cloud, which design principle emphasizes the ability to quickly scale up or down resources based on demand?

  1. Elasticity

  2. High availability

  3. Fault tolerance

  4. Scalability

    Answer: A

Explanation: Elasticity is a design principle that emphasizes the ability to quickly scale up or down resources based on demand. It allows applications and infrastructure to dynamically adapt to workload fluctuations, ensuring efficient resource utilization and cost optimization.

Question: 5

Which of the following compute options in IBM Cloud allows you to manage and scale your applications using containers and Kubernetes?

  1. IBM Cloud Virtual Servers

  2. IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers

  3. IBM Cloud Functions

  4. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

    Answer: D

Explanation: IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service is a managed container orchestration platform that allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. It provides a highly available and scalable environment for running your container workloads.

Question: 6

Which IBM Cloud storage option provides high-performance block storage for storing persistent data for virtual servers?

  1. IBM Cloud File Storage

  2. IBM Cloud Object Storage

  3. IBM Cloud Block Storage

  4. IBM Cloud Storage for Virtual Servers

Answer: C

Explanation: IBM Cloud Block Storage provides high-performance block storage for storing persistent data for virtual servers. It offers fast and reliablestorage solutions that can be attached to virtual servers, allowing you to store and access data at low latencies.

Question: 7

Which IBM Cloud networking option allows you to create a private network within IBM Cloud and connect multiple virtual servers together?

  1. IBM Cloud Load Balancer

  2. IBM Cloud Direct Link

  3. IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  4. IBM Cloud Internet Services

    Answer: C

Explanation: IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allows you to create a private network within IBM Cloud and connect multiple virtual servers together. It provides isolation and security for your resources, and you can define your own IP address ranges, subnets, and routing rules within your VPC.

Question: 8

Which IBM Cloud storage option provides a scalable and durable object storage service for storing and retrieving large amounts of unstructured data?

  1. IBM Cloud File Storage

  2. IBM Cloud Block Storage

  3. IBM Cloud Object Storage

  4. IBM Cloud Storage for Virtual Servers

Answer: C

Explanation: IBM Cloud Object Storage is a scalable and durable storage service designed for storing and retrieving large amounts of unstructured data. It provides a cost-effective solution for storing data such as images, videos, backups, and logs, with built-in data resiliency and redundancy.

Question: 9

Which observability capability in IBM Cloud allows you to monitor the performance and availability of your applications and infrastructure?

  1. IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig

  2. IBM Cloud Log Analysis with LogDNA

  3. IBM Cloud Activity Tracker

  4. IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery

    Answer: A

Explanation: IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig is an observability capability that allows you to monitor the performance and availability of your applications and infrastructure. It provides real-time insights into the health and behavior of your resources, enabling you to detect and troubleshoot issues proactively.

Question: 10

Which of the following security features in IBM Cloud provides a managed service for protecting web applications from common vulnerabilities and attacks?

  1. IBM Cloud Security Groups

  2. IBM Cloud Firewall

  3. IBM Cloud Key Protect

  4. IBM Cloud Web Application Firewall

    Answer: D

Explanation: IBM Cloud Web Application Firewall is a managed service that helps protect web applications from common vulnerabilities and attacks, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. It provides automated protection and monitoring, allowing you to secure your web applications without the need for manual configuration.

Question: 11

When designing cloud solutions in IBM Cloud, which service can be used to integrate different cloud environments and enable seamless data and workload transfer?

  1. IBM Cloud Direct Link

  2. IBM Cloud Internet Services

  3. IBM Cloud Private

  4. IBM Cloud Secure Gateway

    Answer: A

Explanation: IBM Cloud Direct Link provides a dedicated and private network connection between your on-premises environment and IBM Cloud. It enables secure and high-speed data transfer between different cloud environments, allowing you to integrate and extend your existing infrastructure seamlessly.

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