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PC-CIC-Core : PureConnect: CIC Core Certification Exam
Genesys PC-CIC-Core Questions & Answers
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Exam Code : PC-CIC-Core
Exam Name : PureConnect: CIC Core Certification
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PureConnect: CIC Core Certification
Question: 155
Your company has just acquired another company and you are responsible for setting up and configuring the users and stations. There are 35 users and Polycom IP phones that require setup and configuration.
What Interaction Administrator tool is designed for quickly creating the managed IP stations?
Manually create each phone in the Managed IP Phones container.
Use the Managed IP Phone Assistant to import a .csv list of the 35 IP phones to be created.
Manually create all of the phones in the Stations container.
Use the import wizard in the Stations container to import the phones from a .csv list.
Answer: B
Question: 156
What statement is true regarding this user?
If this user is not logged in, he will not receive calls at his workstation because his default workstation is not defined.
The user cannot receive emails because his default workstation is not defined.
The user must enter his IC password to log on to the interaction Client because his default workstation is not defined.
The user will not be active until the default workstation is defined.
Answer: B
Question: 157
You are the supervisor of a contact center that uses chat, email, and phone calls to communicate with your customers. You want to improve the time required for the initial introductory chat and other common chat topics.
What would you do to improve your agents' efficiency when working with chat messages?
Use Response Management libraries to create an initial chat welcome message and other chat messages and links for common questions.
Create text messages and send them to each agent so they can copy and paste them when needed.
Store a pre-created message as a whisper tone, for chats, that will be sent automatically to anyone communicating via chat.
Have each agent copy and paste their initial chat message into a text file so they can access it again later.
Answer: A
Question: 158
Under what circumstances is it useful to create a Client Button?
To make a custom button available from the Interaction Client/Desktop to make it easy for call center agents to access an application when they are on a customer call.
When you want to make a custom button for agents to quickly open their Interaction Client application when they arrive at work.
When you have created a unique interface using an API and want to add a custom Pickup button to it.
You want your customers to be able to phone you by pressing a custom button on a web page.
Answer: A
Question: 159
You are configuring the Default User for your company and want to assign Emergency and Local phone number classifications for everyone.
Where would you make this assignment?
Under Access Control on the Security tab for the Default User.
Under Security Rights on the Security tab for the Default User.
Under Administrator Access on the Security tab for the Default User.
Under Manage Classifications in the Phone Number configuration.
Under Dial Plan in the Phone Number configuration.
Answer: A
Question: 160
What security property page would you choose to configure custom Client Button display, permit specific phone number Classifications, and select Queue Views accessible through Interaction Supervisor?
Administrator Access
Access Control
Security Rights
Master Administrator
Answer: B
Question: 161
You have configured your default profile and default schedule to have the functionality that you wish callers to hear when they dial in during regular business hours. Now you want to assign your main number to the default profile.
How would you assign the main number to the default profile?
You can't assign a number to the default profile. You must create a custom profile and assign the main number to that.
Assign the main number in the Incoming Call Selection area of the Default Profile property window.
Check "Use this profile to process incoming calls with any of the following DNIS values", then enter the number into the text box.
Check "Use this profile to process incoming calls with any of the following ANI values", then enter the number into the text box.
Answer: A
Question: 162
Where must you create new stations for them to be eligible for auto-provisioning?
INN IP phone configuration utility
Managed IP Phones container
Stations container
Answer: C
Question: 163
All of the following are ways that the Interaction Client or Interaction Desktop can be configured to alert you when you have a new incoming interaction, except:
Your telephone rings.
You receive a text message.
Your computer plays a .wav file through the speakers.
The Interaction .NET Client receives focus.
A Call Information window appears.
Answer: D
Question: 164
Agents in your contact center are complaining that they do not have time to complete their after call work before a new call arrives.
How can you use CIC features to address this problem?
Assign a wrap-up status to the workgroups in Interaction Administrator. Assign an appropriate amount of time for the agents to complete their after call work.
Assign a wrap-up code to the agents. Have them select the Wrap-up code that will put them in an unavailable status.
CIC does not have a feature to address this problem. You must train the agents to change their status to Do Not Disturb when they finish a phone call. When they finish the after call work, have them change their status back to Available.
CIC does not have built-in features to address this problem. You must use interaction Designer and write a custom Handler
Answer: A
Question: 165
You are configuring an email schedule in Interaction Attendant.
How do you configure the system so that Interaction Attendant is monitoring the correct mailboxes?
Configure the monitored mailboxes in Interaction Administrator and select them in the E-mail Profile in Interaction Attendant.
Enter the mailbox addresses in the Mailboxes to Monitor text box in the E-mail Profile in Interaction Attendant.
Select the mailbox from the drop-down that lists all the system mailboxes in Interaction Attendant.
Select the mailbox in the Default Schedule for the selected E-mail Profile.
Answer: A
Question: 166
When creating non-managed stations, what must be created so that port 5060 is used for the receive port?
Registration or contact line
Registration group
Dial group
Default station setting
Answer: A
Question: 167
What is a View in Interaction Center Business Manager?
Views are the windows that provide data, such as agent and workgroup statistics, historical reporting data, and system information.
Views provide a way to manipulate the configuration of agents and workgroups.
Views contain the system and custom workspaces.
Views are only used to set alerts within Interaction Center Business Manager.
Answer: A
Question: 168
You have a group of remote agents who all require the same set of user permissions within IC.
In the image below, what is the recommended container for configuring user rights for the remote agents.
Default User
System Parameters
Answer: G
Question: 169
Select the three primary groups that are used to organize Interaction Center configuration data in Interaction Administrator. (Choose three.)
Interaction Processor
Answer: A,B,D,E
Question: 170
What port should be configured for managed IP phone registration when using DHCP option 160?
Answer: D
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