QlikView QlikView-Business-Analyst-Certification Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : QlikView-Business-Analyst-Certification
Exam Name : QlikView Business Analyst Certification (QVBAC)
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QlikView Business Analyst Certification


Question: 40

A. Pivot table without automatic pivoting

B. Bar chart with groups of dimension and expression

C. Table box without drop-down selection

D. Straight table with interactive sorting

Answer: A

Question: 41

Refer to the exhibits.

Table_1 has been transformed into Table_2. Which action did the business analyst take to transform the table?

A. In the Dimension Limits tab, checked Show Total

B. In the Presentation tab. checked Subtotals at Top

C. In the Presentation tab. checked Show Partial Sums

D. In the Presentation tab checked Totals on Last Row

A business analyst wants to display several dimensions and key performance indicators (KPI) in one object Aggregations must be done in this object. The user must be able to change the sorting of the dimensions and KPIs quickly and easily. Which object meets these requirements?

Answer: C

Question: 42

A business analyst will compare sales growth between this year and last year by country. The analyst is given the sales values and must calculate the growth. Which two charts can be used? (Select two.)

  1. Table box with country as dimension and sales per year as expression

  2. Bar chart with country and year as dimensions and sales as expression

  3. Gauge chart with country as dimension and sales per year as expression

  4. Pivot table with country and year as dimensions and sales as expression

  5. Funnel chart with country and year as dimensions and sales as expression

Question: 43

How many dimensions and measures are required to create a scatter chart?

A. One dimension and one measure

B. One dimension and two measures

C. Two dimensions and one measure

D. Three dimensions and one measure

Answer: B

Question: 44

A data model contains 1 billion records and a straight table renders all of the data at the most granular level. The business users do NOT need all of the detailed information. The business analyst needs to improve the rendering time of the straight table.

Which two approaches should the analyst use? (Select two )

A. Update the straight table to a more summarized view

B. Replace all table fields with only one field which concatenates the values of all previous table fields

C. Remove all master dimensions and master measures, and replace with distinct expressions in each visualization

D. Specify a specific sort order in the output of the straight table using a field not found in the straight table columns

E. Set up a calculation condition to only show the straight table if filtered down to a

Answer: D, E

much smaller number of rows (e.g., 100k rows)

Answer: C, E

Question: 45

Which two objects are created with ONLY measures? (Select two.)

A. Option

B. Option

C. Option

D. Option

E. Option

Answer: C, D

Question: 46

A business analyst creates a document with sales data for different regions, products, and salespeople. The analyst needs to create an object that will show the percentage of the total sales when one or more values are selected. Which two objects can the analyst use to meet these requirements? (Select two.)

  1. Text box

  2. Table box

  3. Gauge chart

  4. Mekko chart

  5. Statistics box

Question: 47

A business analyst uses a QlikView application developed on a desktop with a screen resolution of 1280 x 800 During weekly meetings the analyst presents the application using a projector with a maximum screen resolution of 1280 x 720 At this resolution, vertical scroll bars are displayed Which setting can solve the problem?

A. View > Turn on Projector View

B. View > Fit Zoom to Window > Apply Zoom to All Sheets

C. Settings > Document Properties > General Tab and check Disable Scroll Bars

D. Settings > Sheet Properties > General Tab and check Fit to Projector Screen Resolution

Answer: D

Question: 48

A customer needs to see sales data by month, with a rolling six month average of margin percent for any selected twelve month period. Which chart will meet these requirements?

A. A combo chart of sales as bars and rolling six month average margin percent as a line by Month Year

B. A pie chart of sales by Month Year and a line chart of rolling six month average margin percent by MonthYear

C. A bar chart of sales by month by year and a straight table of rolling six month

Answer: A, B

average margin percent by MonthYear

D. A trellis chart of bar charts as sales by month by year and a pivot table of rolling six month average margin percent by month by year

Answer: B

Question: 49

What are two ways to calculate the Sales for the ProductCategory. Shoes? {Select two )

  1. Money(Sum(<ProductCategory={ ' Shoes * }>SaIes) )

  2. Money(Sum({<ProductCategory={'Shoes*}>}Sales))

  3. Money(Sum(<?roductCategory={Shoes}>Sales))

  4. Money(Sum({<{ProductCategory > = 'Shoes'>}Sales))

    Answer: D, E

    Question: 50

    A business analyst needs to calculate the average order value by country. Which two objects meet this requirement? (Select two.)

    A. List box

    B. Multi box

    C. Table box

    D. Statistics box

    E. Straight table

    Answer: B, C

  5. Money(Sum({<?roductCategory={Shoes}>}Sales) )

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