IBM S2000-018 Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : S2000-018
Exam Name : IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty
Vendor Name :

Which security and compliance feature in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty allows organizations to meet regulatory requirements by providing encryption at rest for virtual machine disks?

  1. IBM Cloud Security Advisor for VMware Solutions

  2. IBM Cloud Certificate Manager for VMware Solutions

  3. IBM Cloud Key Protect for VMware Solutions

  4. IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services for VMware Solutions

    Answer: D

Explanation: IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services for VMware Solutions allows organizations to meet regulatory requirements by providing encryption at rest for virtual machine disks. It helps protect sensitive data and maintain compliance with security standards.

Question: 2

Which platform provides container orchestration capabilities and is based on the Kubernetes technology?

  1. Red Hat OpenShift

  2. IBM Cloud Private

  3. VMware vSphere

  4. Amazon EC2

    Answer: A

Explanation: Red Hat OpenShift is a platform that provides container orchestration capabilities based on the Kubernetes technology. It enables the deployment and management of containerized applications at scale, offering

Question: 3

Which compute option in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty allows organizations to quickly provision virtual machines with high scalability and flexibility?

  1. IBM Cloud Virtual Servers for Vmware Solutions

  2. IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers for VMware Solutions

  3. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service for VMware Solutions

  4. IBM Cloud Functions for VMware Solutions

    Answer: A

Explanation: IBM Cloud Virtual Servers for VMware Solutions allows organizations to provision virtual machines quickly with high scalability and flexibility. It provides a range of compute options suitable for different workload requirements.

Question: 4

Which of the following is an IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty offering that provides dedicated infrastructure for enhanced security and performance?

  1. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared

  2. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Dedicated

  3. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Multitenant

  4. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Hybrid

    Answer: B

Explanation: IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Dedicated offers dedicated infrastructure, allowing clients to have exclusive access to their resources. This enhances security and performance by isolating the environment from other tenants or users.

Question: 5

Which network option in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty provides private network connectivity between on-premises VMware environments and IBM Cloud?

  1. IBM Cloud Direct Link for VMware Solutions

  2. IBM Cloud Load Balancer for VMware Solutions

  3. IBM Cloud Security Groups for VMware Solutions

  4. IBM Cloud Transit Gateway for VMware Solutions

    Answer: A

Explanation: IBM Cloud Direct Link for VMware Solutions provides private network connectivity between on-premises VMware environments and IBM Cloud. It enables secure and high-bandwidth connectivity, allowing organizations to extend their networks seamlessly.

Question: 6

Which storage option in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty provides high- performance block storage that is suitable for databases and I/O-intensive workloads?

  1. IBM Cloud File Storage for VMware Solutions

  2. IBM Cloud Object Storage for VMware Solutions

  3. IBM Cloud Block Storage for VMware Solutions

  4. IBM Cloud Storage for VMware Solutions

Answer: C

Explanation: IBM Cloud Block Storage for VMware Solutions provides high- performance block storage suitable for databases and I/O-intensive workloads. It offers consistent and reliable storage performance to meet demanding application requirements.

Question: 7

Which architecture option in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty provides a fully integrated and automated solution for deploying and managing VMware- based environments?

  1. VMware Cloud Foundation on IBM Cloud

  2. VMware on IBM Cloud

  3. VMware NSX on IBM Cloud

  4. VMwareHCX on IBM Cloud

    Answer: A

Explanation: VMware Cloud Foundation on IBM Cloud provides a fully integrated and automated solution for deploying and managing VMware-based environments. It combines compute, storage, and networking resources into a unified platform, simplifying the deployment and management of VMware workloads.

Question: 8

Which resiliency feature in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty provides automated disaster recovery capabilities for VMware workloads?

  1. IBM Cloud Availability Zones for VMware Solutions

  2. IBM Cloud Resiliency Orchestration for VMware Solutions

  3. IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud for VMware Solutions

  4. IBM Cloud Databases for VMware Solutions

    Answer: B

Explanation: IBM Cloud Resiliency Orchestration for VMware Solutions provides automated disaster recovery capabilities for VMware workloads. It ensures business continuity by enabling rapid recovery and failover in the event of a disaster.

Question: 9

Which architecture option allows organizations to connect their on-premises VMware environment to IBM Cloud while maintaining the same operational tools and processes?

  1. VMware Cloud Foundation on IBM Cloud

  2. VMware on IBM Cloud

  3. VMware NSX on IBM Cloud

  4. VMware HCX on IBM Cloud

    Answer: B

Explanation: VMware on IBM Cloud enables seamless extension of on- premises VMware environments to the cloud. It provides consistent operational tools and processes, allowing organizations to maintain their existing VMware infrastructure while leveraging the benefits of the cloud.

Question: 10

Which compute option in IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty provides physical servers dedicated to a single client, offering high performance and

customization options?

  1. IBM Cloud Virtual Servers for VMware Solutions

  2. IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers for VMware Solutions

  3. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service for VMware Solutions

  4. IBM Cloud Functions for VMware Solutions

    Answer: B

Explanation: IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers for VMware Solutions provide physical servers dedicated to a single client. They offer high performance, customization options, and direct access to hardware resources, making them suitable for demanding workloads that require robust compute power.

Question: 11

Which IBM Cloud for VMware v1 Specialty offering provides a dedicated VMware environment with additional security and compliance controls for highly regulated industries?

  1. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Shared

  2. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Dedicated

  3. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Multitenant

  4. IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Hybrid

    Answer: B

Explanation: IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Dedicated provides a dedicated VMware environment with additional security and compliance controls. It is designed to meet the requirements of highly regulated industries that demand enhanced security and isolation.

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