Business-Objects SABE501V3-0 Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : SABE501V3-0
Exam Name : Business Objects Certified Professional - Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.0
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Business Objects Certified Professional - Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.0

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Question: 109

Which object contains the catalog of content to be replicated?

  1. Replication Job

  2. Replication List

  3. Replication Connection

  4. Replication Package

Answer: B

Question: 110

Which method should you use to add a Replication Service to an existing Adaptive Processing Server?

  1. Start the Adaptive Processing Server, choose Select Services from the Actions menu and add the Replication Service

  2. Stop the Adaptive Processing Server, choose Select Services from the Actions menu and add the Replication Service

  3. Start the Adaptive Processing Server, choose Clone Server from the Actions menu and add the Replication Service

  4. Stop the Adaptive Processing Server, choose Properties from the Manage menu and add the Replication Service

Answer: B

Question: 111

Which three are report bursting methods? (Choose three.)

  1. One database fetch for each publication

  2. One database fetch for each batch of recipients

  3. One database fetch for all publications

  4. One database fetch per recipient

Answer: A, B, D

Question: 112

When using two-way replication, which server initiates the Replication Job?

  1. Central Management Server (CMS) on the Origin system

  2. Central Management Server (CMS) on the Destination system

  3. Event Server on the Origin system

  4. Event Server on the Destination system

Answer: B

Question: 113

How do you create a silent installation response file named setup_file.ini?

  1. Run setup.exe with ilent parameter switch

  2. Run setup.exe and then the silent install option

  3. Run setup.exe with /qb setup_file.ini parameter switch

  4. Run setup.exe with setup_file.ini parameter switch

Answer: D

Question: 114

You have five Input File Repository Servers (FRS); you want to change the location of the FileStore Directory on all the servers. Which method should you use?

  1. Modify the properties of the Input FRS in the Central Configuration Manager (CCM).

  2. Modify the Input FRS properties in the registry.

  3. Configure and use the Input FRS.ini file.

  4. Configure and use a Configuration Template.

Answer: D

Question: 115

Which three server states does the Central Management Console (CMC) display? (Choose three.)

  1. Running

  2. Stopped

  3. Other

  4. Pending

Answer: A, B, C

Question: 116

When using one-way replication, which server initiates the Replication Job?

  1. Central Management Server (CMS) on the Origin system

  2. Central Management Server (CMS) on the Destination system

  3. Event Server on the Origin system

  4. Event Server on the Destination system

Answer: B

Question: 117

Which version of Apache Tomcat is shipped with BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0?

  1. 3.3

  2. 4.1

  3. 5.5

  4. 6.0

Answer: C

Question: 118

What does the Replicate Remote Schedules option of a Replication Job do?

  1. Used in one-way replication, it forces completed instances from the Origin site to the Destination site.

  2. Used in one-way replication, it forces completed instances from the Destination site to the Origin site.

  3. Used in two-way replication, it forces completed instances from the Origin site to the Destination site.

  4. Used in two-way replication, it forces completed instances from the Destination site to theOrigin site.

Answer: C

Question: 119

Which three publishing steps would you use for single pass report bursting? (Choose three.)

  1. Create User Profiles

  2. Create the Publication Object

  3. Create the Web Publication Object

  4. Schedule the Publication Object

Answer: A, B, D

Question: 120

Which two document formats can you export a Web Intelligence-based publication to? (Choose two.)

  1. Word

  2. Excel

  3. Tab-separated text

  4. PDF

Answer: B, D

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