Salesforce Salesforce-CDP Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : Salesforce-CDP
Exam Name : Salesforce Customer Data Platform (CDP)
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Salesforce Customer Data Platform (CDP)

Question: 51

Data from which object will be deleted when processing a Data Deletion or Right to be forgotten request

  1. Individual and all related entities in data model

  2. Individual, all related entities in data model and mapped data streams

  3. Unified individual, all related entities in data model and mapped data streams

  4. Unified individual and all related entities in data model

Answer: D

Question: 52

What is the process called of Cleaning, Deduplicating, Merging data into a single ID?

  1. Data Unification

  2. Data Mining

  3. Data Cleansing

Answer: A

Question: 53

What Salesforce CDP API enables simultaneous retrieve of customer profile along with their calculated insights?

  1. Profile API

  2. Query API

  3. Calculated Insights API (Doubt)

  4. Metadata API

Answer: C

Question: 54

How long does it take for the suggested values to be visible after being enabled?

  1. Up to 1 week

  2. Up to 24 hours

  3. Instantly

  4. Up to 48 hours

Answer: B

Question: 55

In addition to Unified Individual Object, what other object does Salesforce CDP automatically create and manage during the Identity Resolution process?

  1. Unified Lead Objects

  2. Unified Contact Point Objects

  3. Unified Order Objects

  4. Unified Product Objects

Answer: B

Question: 56

Which CDP objects are available as tables via the Tableau connector to discover new insights about customers?

  1. Calculated insights

  2. Data Model Objects

  3. All Objects

  4. Unified Profile

Answer: C

Question: 57

What is the first step to setup and configure a marketing cloud customer data platform instance?(1)

  1. Connect to the Marketing Cloud Account CDP is provisioned in

  2. Complete the Salesforce CDP provisioning process

  3. Connect to the Salesforce CRM Org CDP is provisioned in

  4. Enable Salesforce CDP Admin permission set to the Salesforce CRM Org

  5. CDP Admin has already configured the Salesforce CRM connector and setup data

Answer: D

Question: 58

Which formula function should a Data Specialist use to create composite key if the primary key is not available in the data stream?


  2. UUID



Answer: C

Question: 59

Which of the fields is non-editable during data ingestion?

  1. Field label

  2. Header label

  3. Field API name

  4. Data Type

Answer: B

Question: 60

What permission setting should an admin check if the custom CRM object is not accessible from CDP?

  1. Create object permission enabled in CDP org

  2. Read object permission enabled in Source CRM Org

  3. Modify all object permission enabled in CDP org

  4. View All object permission enabled in Source CRM org

Answer: D

Question: 61

How does an admin increase the consolidation rate for identity resolution?

  1. Add more matching rules to broaden the search of matches

  2. Change the ignore empty value option

  3. Change all reconciliation rules to source sequence

  4. Reduce the number of matching rules

Answer: A

Question: 62

In addition to the unified individual object, what other object does salesforce CDP automatically create and manage during the identity resolution process?

  1. Unified product catalog objects

  2. Unified contact point objects

  3. Unified order objects

  4. Unified lead objects

Answer: B

Question: 63

What is the correct formula to display the value of the raw data column of “Revenue” plus a 5% margin?

  1. SELECT([‘Revenue’] *1.05)

  2. SELECT([‘revenue’] *1.05)

  3. sourceField([‘Revenue’] *1.05)

  4. sourceField([‘revenue’] *1.05)

Answer: C

Question: 64

Which of these is present in Identity Resolution Summary?

  1. Unified Individuals

  2. Last Processing Status

  3. Matched Individuals

  4. All the above

Answer: D

Question: 65

What are 2 options to stop a segment from publishing?

  1. Disable

  2. Skip

  3. Unpublish

  4. Delete

Answer: D

Question: 66

Salesforce CDP create automations in Marketing Cloud Automation Studio to support data ingestion. Under which Business Unit(s) will these automations be created?

  1. All Business Unit (Bus) in the Account including Top-level (ENT) business unit

  2. All Business Units (Bus) in the account used for sending

  3. All selected business unit (Bus) during mapping

  4. Top-level (ENT) business unit only

Answer: A

Question: 67

What is the primary object for an Organization, Individual, Affiliation Group, Member in the Cloud Information Model?

  1. Membership

  2. Party

  3. Global Account

  4. Individual

Answer: B

Question: 68

What are the two benefits of Calculate Insights compared to Segment criteria?

  1. It creates simple logic on row-based operations

  2. It creates reusable contents

  3. Marketer friendly drag and drop interface

  4. It performs complex queries on multiple objects

Answer: B,D

Question: 69

How can an administrator check segment publishing status?

  1. Segments publish summary dashboard

  2. Publish History related list in Activation Record

  3. Segments publish history report

  4. Publish History related list in Segment Record

Answer: B,D

Question: 70

What are the three available data related APIs in CDP?

  1. Transactional API

  2. Profile API

  3. Unified Profile API

  4. Data Query API

  5. Calculated Insights API

Answer: B,D,E

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