Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : Salesforce-Certified-Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist
Exam Name : Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist
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Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist

Question: 53

A national public university distributed a newsletter to alumni, students, faculty, and prospective students. The university’s marketing team wants to see the results of the email campaign.

Which two items of information and data about the performance of an individual send can be exported from Tracking in Email Studio? (Choose two.)

  1. Subscribers who click on a specific link

  2. Performance data on the Overview tab

  3. Number of clicks from mobile devices

  4. Images showing how the email rendered on different devices

Answer: BD

Question: 54

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants to ensure its emails are meeting subscriber expectations and enticing engagement.

Which two best practices should NTO employ when sending email? (Choose two.)

  1. Use subscriber data to dynamically populate email content.

  2. Send multiple emails a day to keep the brand top of mind.

  3. Set cadence expectations up front with subscribers.

  4. Send generic content to appeal to all audiences.

Answer: AC

Question: 55

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has created a new onboarding series for customers who have purchased its fitness tracker. Customers were automatically opted in and received three emails from NTO within one day. The onboarding series includes personalized recommendations but lacks an easy way to opt out or update preferences. In this scenario, what best practice was achieved?

  1. Sending multiple emails in one day

  2. Personalized recommendations

  3. Opting customers in automatically

  4. Preventing customers from opting out

Answer: B

Question: 56

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is launching a custom, corporate-branded apparel website. They are concerned about the new initiative’s campaign impacting deliverability on its consumer retail sends. NTO has purchased a second IP address to be used for the corporate site’s email sending.

What feature would the NTO administrator use to specify which IP address is used for retail vs. corporate?

  1. Sender Profile

  2. Delivery Profile

  3. Send Definition

  4. Send Classification

Answer: B

Question: 57

A marketer is designing email for mobile devices.

Which three design best practices would the marketer use? (Choose three.)

  1. Use image-based text for hero graphics.

  2. Cut content to make the message fit above the fold.

  3. Keep copy simple and direct.

  4. Stack the content in a single column.

  5. Design with the most important content at the top.

Answer: CDE

Question: 58

A marketing team is creating a new data extension. The data extension configuration is very similar to a data extension that is already in use.

What creation method should the team use to create the new data extension?

  1. Create from a Filtered Data Extension

  2. Create from Template

  3. Create from Existing

  4. Create from New

Answer: C

Question: 59

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has been sending email for about 10 years. A new marketing manager noticed NTO’s deliverability continually decreased over the last year. NTO wants to grow its existing subscriber base and increase its ROI on email marketing by improving engagement with its subscribers.

Which three strategies will help improve NTO’s email deliverability? (Choose three.)

  1. Purchase lists from companies that guarantee users have opted in.

  2. Authenticate email sending to distinguish it from spammers.

  3. Purge old or inactive email addresses.

  4. Ensure the spam complaint rate is between 1% and 3%.

  5. Encourage subscribers to add the company’s sending domain to their address books.

Answer: BCE

Question: 60

An email marketing team has been tasked with building a new email that pulls in personalized content based on customers’ preferences. The team has decided to create dynamic rules to accomplish this setup.

What are the four elements that are required for the creation of a dynamic content rule?

  1. Attribute, Value, Operator, Content

  2. Lists, Value, Operator, Images

  3. Preferences, Value, Operator, Lists

  4. Customers, Value, Operator, Content

Answer: A

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