Salesforce Salesforce-Consumer-Goods-Cloud Questions & Answers

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Latest Salesforce-Consumer-Goods-Cloud Exam Questions and Practice Tests 2024 -

Latest Salesforce-Consumer-Goods-Cloud Practice Tests with Actual Questions

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Exam Code : Salesforce-Consumer-Goods-Cloud
Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Consumer Goods Cloud Accredited Professional
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Salesforce Certified Consumer Goods Cloud Accredited Professional

Question: 42

Location (both standard salesforce objects) are considered to be… Foreign Key References, true or false?


r: B

on: 43

re Shapes in Layers?

define specific layers based on geographical locations of business significance, like adding the midCw ogether in a single territory in a layer.

pes define which standard or custom sf objects can be plotted in a SF Map.

custom object in Maps that regulates how data is presented in SF Maps and cna gather information fro objects

are filtered representations of the plotted records that Maps can present in a Map.

r: A

on: 44

Assortment of products be related at higher levels than a single Retail Store? For example to Retail Lo or even the Account?

Anything referenced from the Retail Store object that is outside of that object, for example the parent account or the

  1. FA

  2. TR



What a

  1. They estern

    states t

  2. Sha

  3. It is a m up to


  4. They



Can the cation


  1. No

  2. Yes

Answer: B

Question: 45

What object can be used in CG cloud to sort products in categories?

  1. The Product Category object

  2. The Product2 object

Answer: A

Question: 46

Is every Order Product (junction object between Order and Product2) related to a Price Book via a price book entry that determines their price?

  1. Yes

  2. No


is not inherited from the Product2´s pricebook entries. Each Order Product has a price book entry to a gi ok, (this can be automatize to say, inherit the PB from the one used in the Account).

on: 47

an be used to limit the amount of records that are plotted in a Layer in Salesforce Maps?

QL queries rs

Base Objects

r: B ation:

ike in Reports, only the records that satisfy those filters and are stored in Base Objects will be displaye er.

on: 48

SF Maps style be customized?

r: A

Answer: A Explan

Yes, it ven



What c

  1. SO

  2. Filte

  3. Other



Filters, l d on

that lay


Can the

  1. Yes

  2. No



Yes, in the Display Options section of the Marker Layer creation process, different Marker styles can be selected.

Question: 49

Name the 6 standard predefined assessment task definition types.

  1. Inventory check Promotion check InCstore survey Planogram Check Order Creation Other

  2. Inventory check Promotion check InCstore survey Planogram Check Order Creation KPI review

  3. Inventory check Order review InCstore survey Planogram Check Order Creation Other

  4. Inventory check Promotion check InCstore survey Realogram Log Order Creation Other

Answer: A

Question: 50

What does the Check in/ out feature allow users to do?

  1. Allows Field Service Reps to check into meetings online beforehand

  2. To create tasks directly from the Maps mobile interface.

r: B


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