Salesforce Salesforce-Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : Salesforce-Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional
Exam Name : Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Professional
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Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Professional

How does the time series projection feature in Tableau CRM for manufacturing provide data insights?

  1. It tracks product growth trends

  2. It tracks performance against account manager targets

  3. It tracks inventory utilization for a defined time frame

  4. It tracks account revenue growth against goals

  5. It tracks against product margin targets

Answer: A
Question: 2

Which object is required to create a Sales agreement?

  1. Account

  2. B)

  3. Contract

  4. Order

  5. Quote

Answer: A


The Account object is required to create a Sales agreement. Sales agreements are typically associated with an Account as they define the terms and conditions of sales between a seller and a buyer.

Question: 3

What is the purpose of defining the renewal days for sales agreement

  1. Determines the beginning of the sales agreement

  2. Determines the beginning of the renewal period

  3. Determines the end of the sales agreement

  4. Determines the end of the sales agreement

Answer: B
Question: 4

Which two out-of-the-box actions can be performed on a Sales Agreement?

  1. Recalculate Actuals

  2. Update ProductsC) Mass Update

  3. Update Adjustments

  4. Regenerate Agreement

Answer: A,C

Which two out-of-the-box Manufacturing Actions can be performed in Process Builder and Flow Builder?

  1. Clone Sales Agreement

  2. Mass Archive Sales Agreement

  3. Mass Update Account Forecast

  4. Clone Account Forecast

  5. Mass Update Sales Agreement

Answer: A,E
Question: 6

Which two statements are true, if an org hits the account product period forecast record limit

  1. New Products cannot be added to account forecasts

  2. New products are not added when recalculating a single account forecast or recalculating all account forecasts

  3. New products added to account forecasts will not be included in recalculations

  4. The add products option will no longer appear on the agreement terms tab

Answer: A,B
Question: 7

Manufacturing Cloud supports which two types of Experience Clouds?

  1. Customer

  2. Partner

  3. External Apps (+)

  4. Internal

  5. Employee

Answer: A,B
Question: 8

Universal container wants to stream line the way they collaborate on sales agreement with their channel partners which is the recommended option

  1. Leverage the manufacturing experience cloud template to set up a secure site for collaboration

  2. Leverage the salesforce site manufacturing cloud template to set up a secure site for collaboration

  3. Leverage my domain to set up a secure site for collaboration

  4. Leverage Heroku for Manufacturing cloud to set up a secure site for collaboration

Answer: A
Question: 9

Which method can be used to calculate Actuals for sales agreements?

  1. Automatically from contracts through orders.

  2. Manually using api upload

  3. Automatically from orders through contracts

  4. Automatically from direct orders

  5. Automatically from direct contracts

Answer: A
Question: 10

Which two list views are provided by default to filter account manager targets by the assigned user?

  1. Active Targets

  2. Pending Targets

  3. Assigned by Me

  4. Assigned to Me

  5. Assigned by Manager

Answer: A,C,D
Question: 11

A manufacturing cloud user is in the process of adding products to an order that is on active sales agreement. Which status the order be in, to make the addition

  1. Approved

  2. Pending

  3. Active

  4. Draft

Answer: D
Question: 12

Universal container wants to enter a sales agreement for Widget A. Which three minimum data element required on sales agreement

  1. Opp, Pricebook, Product

  2. Account, Opp, Contracts

  3. Account, Price book, Product

  4. Account, Product, Orders

Answer: C
Question: 13

Which three permission set are available with Manufacturing Cloud?

  1. Manufacturing Price Book

  2. Manufacturing Account Forecast

  3. Manufacturing Sales Agreements

  4. Manufacturing Sales Orders

  5. Manufacturing Account Manager Target

Answer: A,B,C,E
Question: 14

Universal Containers is using Sales Agreements and does not want to bring actual orders data into Salesforce. However, they want to use the actual orders data to analyze the effectiveness of their sales agreements.

Which Actuals Calculation option in the Sales Agreement Setup must be selected?

  1. Automatically from direct orders.

  2. Automatically from orders through contracts

  3. Manually using Actual Orders API

  4. Manually using API upload

Answer: C
Question: 15

Which Calculation Method can calculate a benefit structure on a total quantity of 150 units, where the first 100 units earn $0 per unit and the next 50 units earn $10 per unit?

  1. Specified

  2. Elapsed

  3. Stepped

  4. Aggregate

Answer: C
Question: 16

Which data load sequence should be followed when loading data into Sales agreement?

  1. Sales Agreement

  2. Sales Agreement Product

  3. Sales Agreement Product schedule

Answer: A,B,C
Question: 17

A new custom field is created on the Account Product Forecast (APF) Table. Account Managers have already been assigned the standard Manufacturing Account Forecast permission set. Which two actions can be taken to give the Account Managers 'Read" access to this new field?

  1. Clone the standard permission set Manufacturing Account Forecast to a new permission set with license type Manufacturing Forecast Psl. Grant Read access to the field on the new permission set. Assign the cloned permission

    set to the Account Managers.

  2. Create a new custom permission set of license type Salesforce'. Grant Read access to the field. Assign the newly created permission set to the Account Managers

  3. Give 'Read' access to the field on the standard Manufacturing Account Forecast' permission set.

  4. Clone the standard permission set Account Forecast to a new permission set with license type 'Salesforce. Grant 'Read' access to the field on the new permission set. Assign the cloned permission set to the Account Managers

Answer: A,B
Question: 18

Which two key performance indicators can be calculated on the Forecast Analysis dashboard in Tableau CRM for Manufacturing?

  1. Average Price

  2. Days Remaining

  3. Mean absolute percentage error in the forecast

  4. Actual vs Forecasted Revenue

  5. Actual vs Planned Revenue

Answer: A,C,D
Question: 19

Which two statements are accurate when embedding the Manufacturing agreement Performance and Manufacturing Product Performance dashboards in lightning page?

  1. Must set Component height to 120

  2. No filter required.

  3. Can embed in sales agreement page layout only

  4. Can embed in any manufacturing cloud page layout

Answer: A,B,D
Question: 20 CORRECT TEXT

Which two Manufacturing cloud functionalities are available in the standard Manufacturing Experience Cloud Template?

  1. Rebate Management

  2. Sales Agreements

  3. Account Based Forecasts

  4. Account Manager Targets

Answer: A,B,C

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