Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Accredited-Professional Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : Salesforce-Maps-Accredited-Professional
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Salesforce Maps Accredited Professional

Question: 18

Can a handpicked area of the map be selected to get a list of records displayed in territories even if it crosses across many territories?

  1. No

  2. Yes

Answer: B
Question: 19

How is SF Maps distributed?

  1. Lightning Web Component

  2. Lightning Solution

  3. Package

  4. Custom Element

Answer: C
Question: 20

What are Shapes in Layers?

  1. They define specific layers based on geographical locations of business significance, like adding the mid-western states together in a single territory in a layer.

  2. They are filtered representations of the plotted records that Maps can present in a Map.

  3. Shapes define which standard or custom sf objects can be plotted in a SF Map.

  4. It is a custom object in Maps that regulates how data is presented in SF Maps and cna gather information from up to 6 objects

Answer: A
Question: 21

In SF Maps, the most common use of folder permissions is by controlling access to subfolders in the corporate folder. True or false?

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: A

Question: 22

Only geocoded records can be used in Territory Planning.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: A
Question: 23

Also records that are not geocoded will be able to be used in Territory Planning.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: B
Question: 24

What does the Check in/ out feature allow users to do?

  1. Allows Field Service Reps to check into meetings online beforehand

  2. To create tasks directly from the Maps mobile interface.

Answer: B
Question: 25

What must be done by the admin setting up Salesforce Maps so as to allow users to change the SF Maps permission sets defaults assigned to them?

  1. This cannot be done.

  2. Click the Allow User Override Checkbox in the SF Maps permission Groups page.

Answer: B
Question: 26

What tool must admins use to ensure that field service reps are sticking to their determined territories by enforcing Geofencing?

  1. User self-reporting in the mobile app

  2. Live Tracking data from Maps

Answer: B
Question: 27

Can live tracking data of field service reps be reviewed in a phone or tablet?

  1. No

  2. Yes

    Answer: B


Yes, SF Maps is absolutely compatible with mobile devices.

Question: 28

What action should users take when searching for nearby accounts using Salesforce Maps on a mobile device?

  1. Set Proximity Center

  2. Plot and Market Layer

Answer: B
Question: 29

Which of the following Territory Planning Features will allow users to manage and communicate territory configurations with leaders and field reps.

  1. Manage territories inside Salesforce

  2. Access Advanced Territory Management and Optimization

  3. Import optimized territories into Salesforce Maps

Answer: A
Question: 30

What other tool besides standard salesforce reports can be used to circumvent report creation when creating a Territory in Salesforce Maps?

  1. SOQL Custom Query Builder Dashboards

  2. List Views

  3. None, it is a required step

Answer: A
Question: 31

After setting the Base Object root for Maps (for example Opps) what must be done?

  1. Set the field that stores the latitude and longitude fields to store in that new Base Object.

  2. Selecting the Custom or Standard object with an address field to plot.

Answer: A
Question: 32

Must a click2create button be added to the SF Maps interface and assigned to users in order to access the functionality of creating records directly from the SF Maps interface?

  1. No

  2. Yes

Answer: B

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