Salesforce Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer Questions & Answers

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Exam Code : Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer
Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer
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Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer

A developer is implementing a custom profile center and using the LogUnsubEvent request.

Which parameter is required for the event to be tied to the appropriate send?

  1. JobID

  2. ListID

  3. Unsub Reason

  4. SubscriberKey

Answer: A

Question: 55

A particular data extension need to be configured to store six months of data. How should data retention be added to the data extension in Email Studio?

  1. Run a query to overwrite the rows with six months of data

  2. Import a file to overwrite the rows with six months of data

  3. Create a new data extension that includes data retention settings

  4. Update the data extension configuration to include data retention settings.

Answer: C

Question: 56

NTO is using an asynchronous SOAP API call to the TriggerSend object to send order confirmation email to their customers.

Which API object and attribute should be used to retrieve the status of the API call?

  1. Result Object and EmailAddress

  2. Result Object and ConservationID

  3. ResultItem Object and OrderID

  4. ResultItem Object and RequestID

Answer: D

Question: 57

A developer identified duplicate contacts and wants to delete roughly 10 million subscribers using Contact Delete. How could the process be expedited?

  1. Change the Suppression value to a larger value

  2. Delete any unnecessary Sendable Data Extensions

  3. Manually delete subscribers in All Contacts

  4. Stop the current delete process and delete smaller groups

Answer: B

Question: 58

A sendable data extension with a text field named ‘Balance’ contains the value S6.96 for a particular record. The following AMPscript statement is included in an email:

IF (Balance > 6.00) THEN

SET @Result = ‘Balance is more than $6.00 ENDIF

Why would this IF statement yield unintended results?

  1. The operands are not the same data type.

  2. The comparison should use the < operator.

  3. Balance is a protected keyword.

  4. Double quotes should be used instead of single quotes.

Answer: D

Question: 59

Certification Aid wants to trigger and email send in Marketing Cloud when a purchase is made on their website. Which API should be used for this? Choose 2.

  1. Subscriber API

  2. Email API



Answer: C,D

Question: 60

A developer needs to create a fully-branded CloudPage which includes images hosted in Content Builder. The developer wants to secure the page and its elements using the SSL protocol.

What is the minimum number of SSL certificates required?

  1. Three

  2. Two

  3. None

  4. One

Answer: B

A developer needs to identify all subscribers who were sent Job ID 420 but did not click any links. Which SQL statement would produce the desired results?





  1. Option A

  2. Option B

  3. Option C

  4. Option D

Answer: C

Question: 62

A developer wants to expand their knowledge of Query Activities. They want to identify email addresses that have bounced in the last 30 days, along with the Bounce Reason and some additional subscriber specific data; however, the SQL they have written does not return any records.

Below is the SQL statement:

What updates should be made to ensure this SQL statement returns the desired results?

  1. Marketing Cloud does not allow DateAdd functions in Query Activities. They should define a specific date.

  2. Marketing Cloud _Bounce data view does not contain EmailAddress. They should join on SubscriberlD.

  3. Marketing Cloud Data Views only hold 20 days worth of data. They should narrow scope of DateAdd function.

  4. Marketing Cloud does not allow use of GETDATE function. They should define a specific date.

Answer: B

Question: 63

A developer is working on cross-channel campaign functions for the email team at Northern Trail Outfitters. They are reviewing available APIs for the different Marketing Cloud applications to determine the most appropriate solution for each.

Which application utilizes the REST API?

  1. Automation Studio

  2. Classic Content

  3. Content Builder

Answer: C

Question: 64

A customer wants to export send data to their SFTP. Which two automations would accomplish this? Choose 2

  1. Tracking Extract

  2. Tracking Extract > File Transfer

  3. Query (Data Views) > Data Extension Extract > File Transfer

  4. Query (Data Views) > File Transfer

Answer: B,C

Question: 65

A developer wants to trigger an SMS message to a subscriber using a form published on CloudPages. How should the SMS message be triggered once the subscriber submits the form?

  1. Outbound SMS template and Automation Send Method

  2. InsertData AMPscript function to add the subscriber to a MobileConnect list

  3. CreateSMSConservation AMPscript function

  4. requestToken and messageContact REST API objects

Answer: D

Question: 66

A developer wants to delete a batch of subscribers from Marketing Cloud. The developer performs a Contact Delete on a batch of records in a data extension in Contact Builder.

Which scenario would cause subscriber records to remain in the data extension?

  1. Sendable data extension with SubscriberKey and EmailAddress fields

  2. Non-sendable data extension with SubscriberKey field

  3. Contact Delete process does not delete rows from data extensions

  4. Sendable data extension with SubsciberKey field

Answer: B

Question: 67

Certification Aid wants to import an encrypted CSV file from the Marketing Cloud Enhanced FTP server. Which two File Transfer activities are needed to achieve this? Choose 2.

  1. To decrypt the import file on the Enhanced FTP server.

  2. To move the import file from the Safehouse to Marketing Cloud.

  3. To decrypt the import file on the Safehouse.

  4. To move the import file from the Enhanced FTP server to the Safehouse

Answer: B,C

Question: 68

New subscribers at Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) are added to a data extension. NTO would like to send these subscribers a welcome series with Journey Builder.

What would allow the data extension to be selected for journey entry’

  1. At least one Campaign must be associated to the data extension.

  2. The Triggered Send Template must be used to create the data extension.

  3. The data extension must be configured for sending.

  4. The data extension must contain a field of the EmailAddress data type.

Answer: C

Question: 69

A field value returned from a DE lookup contains a tab-delimited list of values.

Which AMPscript function could easily determine if a specific text string exist anywhere in the list?

  1. Substring

  2. BuildRowSetFromString

  3. IndexOf

  4. Length

Answer: B

Question: 70

Northern Trail Outfitters is using a mobile campaign to collect email addresses of interested subscribers. Using

AMPScript’s API functions they will send a confirmation email when an email is texted into their short code.

Which two objects are required to successfully create a TriggeredSend object? Choose 2 answers

  1. Subscribers

  2. TriggeredSendDefinition

  3. Attribute

  4. Contact

Answer: B,D

User: Philip*****

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User: Marina*****

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