Salesforce Salesforce-nCino-201 Questions & Answers

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Latest Salesforce-nCino-201 Exam Questions and Practice Tests 2024 -

Latest Salesforce-nCino-201 Practice Tests with Actual Questions

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Exam Code : Salesforce-nCino-201
Exam Name : Salesforce nCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional
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Salesforce nCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional

Question: 45

True or False? A Limit or a Sub Limit adds additional exposure to the overall hierarchy.

  1. True

    r: B

    on: 46

    False: A Limit or Sub Limit adds additional exposure to the overall hierarchy.

    r: B

    on: 47

    onfiguring Credit Memo, which section resource should be used to display information from a child obj Loan?

    jectScreenResource figuredSObjectScreenResource pedSObjectHierarchyScreenResource pedSObjectScreenResource

    r: C

    on: 48

  2. False



True or

  1. True

  2. False



When c ect to


  1. SOb

  2. Con

  3. Map

  4. Map



True or False: The roles used in loan team member alerts configuration are the standard Salesforce roles.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: B

Question: 49

True or False? When you log a call, you are also given the ability to create a follow-up task on the same page, if


  1. True

  2. False

Answer: A

Question: 50

True or False: Once the entire Loan term is defined, the payment structure data from the first payment stream is pushed back to the loan object and saved. This overwrites existing data on the loan object.

r: A

on: 51

False: An approval process can fire email alerts to a group of users.

r: A

on: 52

ecline Loan’ button is at the top of the ______ page. tact


r: D

on: 53

  1. True

  2. False



True or

  1. True

  2. False



The ‘D

  1. Lead

  2. Con

  3. Loan

  4. Rela



True or False? A Change Memo is used to request an approval to change terms, rate, amount, etc. AFTER the Loan has already been approved – but BEFORE the Loan has been closed/booked.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: A

Question: 54

True or False: Appending ‘tool-‘ OR ‘action-‘ to the beginning of an App Name on the Route object will make the Route display in the Magic Wand.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: A

Question: 55

Which child object of a Covenant Management record can have multiple records? (Select 2).

enant Compliance ount Covenant


r: B,D

  1. Covenant Type

  2. Cov

  3. Acc

  4. Loan


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