Vmware 2V0-33.22 Questions & Answers

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VMware Cloud Professional (VCP-VMC)
Question: 24
A cloud administrator Is tasked with deploying two virtual machines (APP01 and APP02) to a software-defined data
center (SDDC) with multiple clusters hosted In VMware Cloud on AWS based on the following requirements:
βΆ APP01 and APP02 should NOT run on the same host.
βΆ Only three hosts in the SDDC are entitled to run the software installed on these servers.
βΆ All entitled hosts are in cluster 1.
Which two actions should the administrator take to meet these requirements? (Choose two)
A. Create a Disable DRS vMotion policy.
B. Create a VM-VM anti-affinity policy.
C. Deploy APP01 to Cluster 1 and APP02 to cluster 2. a Create a VM-Host anti-affinity policy.
D. Create a VM-Host affinity policy.
Answer: B,D
Question: 25
A cloud administrator is In the process of troubleshooting a non-compliant object.
How can the administrator change a VM storage policy for an ISO image?
A. Modify the default VM storage policy and recreate the ISO image.
B. Modify the default VM storage policy.
C. Apply a new VM storage policy.
D. Attach the ISO Image to a virtual machine.
Answer: C
To change the VM storage policy for an ISO image, the cloud administrator can apply a new VM storage policy to the
ISO image. This process involves selecting the ISO image in the vSphere inventory, right-clicking it, and choosing the
"Assign VM Storage Policy" option to apply a new storage policy. This way, the administrator can ensure that the ISO
image complies with the desired storage policy requirements.
Question: 26
Which three components can be part of a virtual machine template? (Choose three.)
A. Installed applications, tools, and patches
B. vSphere tags
C. Custom attributes
D. Virtual Machine hardware configuration
E. Guest operating system
F. Virtual machine snapshots
Answer: A,D,E
Question: 27
A cloud administrator Is managing a VMware Cloud on AWS environment consisting of a single cluster with six
hosts. There have been no changes made to the Elastic DRS configuration.
In which two situations will Elastic DRS add another a host to the cluster? (Choose two.)
A. When availability zone failure occurs
B. When memory utilization reaches 90%
C. When network utilization reaches 90%
D. When CPU utilization reaches 90%
E. When storage utilization reaches 80%
Answer: B,D
Question: 28
Which two key components are required in every instance in the VMware Cloud software-defined datacenter (SDDC)?
(Choose two.)
A. VMware vSphere
B. VMware vRealize Operations
C. VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
D. VMware NSX-T
E. CloudHealth by VMWare
Answer: A,D
Question: 29
A cloud administrator is responsible for managing a VMware Cloud solution and would like to ensure that I/O-
intensive workloads run in the most optimum way possible.
Which two steps should the administrator complete on I/O-intensive workloads to meet this requirement? (Choose
A. Ensure that the VMware hardware version is 7 or later.
B. Enable the memory hot-add feature.
C. Configure the LSI Logic Parallel SCSI controller.
D. Configure the VMware Paravirtual SCSI (PVSCSI) adapter.
E. Configure a maximum of two CPU cores per socket.
Answer: A,D
Question: 30
A Cloud administrator is starting to plan a workload migration and wants to estimate the cost of running those
workloads on VMware Cloud.
Which VMware Cloud service should the administrator use to achieve this goal?
A. VMware vRealize Network Insight Cloud
B. VMware vRealize Operations Cloud
C. VMware vRealize Log Insight Cloud
D. VMware vRealize Automation Cloud
Answer: B
Question: 31
A cloud administrator establishes a VPN connection to the VMware Cloud data center but Is unable to access the
VMware Cloud vCenter.
Which step can the administrator take to resolve this?
A. Modify the default vCenter management network to participate in the on-premises IP space.
B. Create a segment in the VMware Cloud data center for connection to the vCenter.
C. Establish a layer 2 connection between the on-premises data center and the VMware Cloud data center.
D. Create an NSX firewall rule In the VMware Cloud data center allowing access to the vCenter from the on-premises
data center.
Answer: D
Question: 32
Which two steps should an administrator take to allow HTTPS access to a specific virtual machine (VM) through the
public Internet for VMware Cloud on AWS? (Choose two.)
A. Create a custom service called HTTPS using port 443.
B. Configure AWS Direct Connect.
C. Configure a SNAT rule translating an internal IP address to a public IP address.
D. Request a public IP address in the VMware Cloud console.
E. Configure a DNAT rule translating a public IP address to an internal IP address.
Answer: D,E
Question: 33
A cloud administrator wants to deploy a VMware Cloud software-defined data center (SDDC) on a cloud provider and
requires a consistent 4.5 Gbps bandwidth from applications to communicate from on-premises to the SDDC.
Which type of connection should be used for this type of traffic?
A. Policy-based virtual private network (VPN)
B. Private L2 virtual private network (VPN)
C. Route-based virtual private network (VPN)
D. Private line
Answer: D
Question: 34
Which two features of the VMware cloud on AWS platform are part of service management process? (Choose two.)
A. VMware Tools management
B. Microsoft licensing management
C. Incident management
D. Workload OS management
E. Capacity management
Answer: A,C,E
Question: 35
Which two networking planes are converged in a VMware NSX-T Data Center? (Choose two.)
A. Control Plane
B. I/O Plane
C. Management Plane
D. Consumption Plane
E. Data Plane
Answer: A,E
Question: 36
With which solution is the cloud administrator interfacing when defining storage policies in a VMware Cloud
software-defined data center (SDDC)?
A. VMware Virtual Volumes (vVols)
B. VMware vSAN
D. VMware Virtual Machine File System (VMFS)
Answer: B
Question: 37
A cloud administrator has a portion of its on-premises infrastructure hardware that is going to be again out of its
support lifecycle later this year. Due to the regulatory requirement, the applications running on this hardware cannot be
migrated to the public cloud, but the Administrator is also trying to reduce its operational expenses of managing and
maintaining the hardware it owns and reduce capital expenditures.
Which two solutions would achieve these goals? (Choose two.)
A. VMware Cloud on AWS Outpost
B. VMware Cloud on Dell EMC
C. VMware Cloud Foundation
D. Oracle Cloud VMware Solution
E. VMware Cloud on AWS
Answer: A,B
Question: 38
Which three organizational aspects need to be considered to successfully transition to a cloud operating model?
(Choose three.)
A. People
B. Technology
C. Process
D. Branding
E. Budget
F. Facilities
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 39
Which two service management tasks In VMware Cloud on AWS are performed by VMware? (Choose two.)
A. Capacity management of the cloud software-defined data centers (SDDCs)
B. Updates to VMware hardware compatibility
C. Notifications sent before a regular update
D. Updates to the software-defined data center (SDDC) software
E. Creation and configuration of VPC during the software-defined data center (SDDC) deployment
Answer: A,D
Question: 40
A customer is looking to leverage a VMware Public Cloud solution to provide them with additional compute capacity
as seasonal demand increases for their online business.
The current on-premises data center is configured as follows:
βΆ VMware vSphere 7.0
βΆ VMware vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS) 7.0
βΆ Management and Server network -
βΆ vMotion network -
βΆ 250 application servers
Given the information in the scenario, which capability of VMware HCX will the customer not be able to utilize?
A. Cold migration
B. Layer 2 extension
C. Bulk migration
D. WAN optimization
Answer: B

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