Vmware 5V0-11.21 Questions & Answers

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VMware Cloud on AWS Master Specialist
Question: 9
An administrator runs an analysis on all workloads using Live Optics and confirms there are a variety of applications,
including Microsoft SQL server and Oracle databases. The Microsoft SQL workloads are averaging 4,000 IOPS per
virtual machine, approximately 50% writes. The Oracle workloads are averaging 3,000 IOPS per virtual machine, and
approximately 80% writes.
Which method should be used to input the data into the VMware Cloud on AWS Sizer for the most accurate results?
A. Use the Advanced Sizer in 'database' mode. Create workload profiles for the analyzed virtual machines, including
profiles for Microsoft SQL and Oracle. Set the values forvCP
B. vRA
C. utilized storage. IOPS and I/O profile manually.
D. Use the Quick Sizer. Set the values forvCPU, vRA
E. utilized storage. IOPS and I/O profile manually.
F. Use the Advanced Sizer in 'import' mode. Import the Live Optics data and let the Advanced Sizer set the values
G. vRA
H. utilized storage. IOPS and I/O automatically.
I. Use the Advanced Sizer in 'manual' mode. Create workload profiles for the analyzed virtual machines, including
profiles for Microsoft SQL and Oracle. Use the default values for the SQL and Oracle workload profiles.
Answer: D
Question: 10
What is a key functionality of the vRealize Automation Cloud Service Broker?
A. Provides a common catalog for easy consumption on VMware Cloud.
B. Manages blueprints as a code in a YAML format.
C. Automates the DevOps release lifecycle.
D. Creates and deploys virtual machines, applications, and services to multiple clouds.
Answer: A
Provide a catalog of templates and actions to your VMware Service Broker consumers.
Reference: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vRealize-Automation-Cloud/index.html
Question: 11
An architect is designing a company's hybrid cloud environment. Traffic between their local data center and VMC on
AWS software-defined data center (SDDC) requires a high-speed, low latency connection. The connection type should
also support connectivity to services currently being consumed in AWS.
Which connection type will meet these requirements?
A. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
B. AWS Direct Connect
C. Four IPSec tunnels for greater bandwidth & resiliency
D. Route-based VPN
Answer: B
Reference: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-on-AWS/services/vmc-on-aws-networking-security.pdf (18)
Question: 12
Which method can be used to deploy a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center?
A. VMware Data Center Command-Line Interface
B. AWS Management Console
D. VMware vCenter Server
Answer: D
You can also use hybrid linked mode to view and manage your onpremises vCenter Server and the one in your
VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC with a common set of user identities.
Reference: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-on-AWS/services/vmc-aws-manage-data-center-vms.pdf
Question: 13
An administrator deploys a virtual machine and configures it to perform backups to an AWS Simple Storage Service
(S3) bucket. After the first month of use, the administrator receives a bill from AWS indicating egress charges were
applied to the backup traffic leaving the software-defined data center (SDCC), destined for the AWS S3 bucket.
What can the administrator do to ensure backup traffic travels to the linked Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
through the Elastic Network Interface?
A. Configure the S3 bucket with a public endpoint accessible over the Internet through HTTP
B. Configure Direct Connect to a private virtual interface for access to AWS services.
C. Create a gateway endpoint in the linked AWS VPC and configure it for use with the S3 bucket.
D. Configure a route-based virtual private network (VPN) for the SDDC to the VP
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-on-AWS/services/vmc-aws-operations.pdf
Question: 14
An administrator is preparing to deploy a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC) and is
planning to scale up to 48 nodes in the future.
What is the minimum size management CIDR block that is needed to meet this requirement?
A. /24
B. /16
C. /23
D. /20
Answer: D
The management CIDR must be one of 3 available sizes: /16, /20 or /23. The primary factor in selecting the size is the
anticipated scalability of the SDDC. In single-AZ deployment, a /23 CIDR can support 27 ESXi hosts, while a /20 can
support up to 251.
Reference: https://blogs.vmware.com/cloud/2019/10/03/selecting-ip-subnets-sddc/
Question: 15
Which three statements are true about the Elastic DRS Optimize for Rapid Scale-Out policy? (Choose three.)
A. Hosts are added incrementally when needed for storage.
B. Hosts will NOT be removed automatically when they are no longer needed.
C. Multiple hosts are added at a time when needed for memory or CP
D. After a storage scale-out event is triggered, single hosts are added every 30 minutes.
E. High threshold for storage, like the other policies, is set at 75%.
F. To resolve constraints related to CPU and memory, hosts are added two at a time.
Answer: A,C,E
Adds hosts incrementally when needed for storage.
This policy adds multiple hosts at a time when needed for memory or CPU, his policy adds multiple hosts at a time
when needed for memory or CPU, and adds hosts incrementally when needed for storage. By default, hosts are added
two at a time.
Reference: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-on-AWS/services/com.vmware.vmc-aws-operations/GUID-
Question: 16
An administrator is trying to identify how many hosts will be required to evacuate a cluster from an existing data
center and relocate those workloads into VMware Cloud on AWS. The cluster runs a variety of workloads for the
corporate customer relationship management system.
Which three profiles could the administrator create in the VMware Cloud on AWS Sizer? (Choose three.)
A. Databases - Oracle
B. Databases - Microsoft SQL Server
C. General Purpose (Application VMs)
D. VDI - Instant Clone
E. VDI - Full Clone
F. General Purpose (General VMs)
Answer: A,B,E,F
Reference: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-on-AWS/services/vmc-aws-operations.pdf
Question: 17
When deploying a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC), which three default components are
located behind the T1 Management Gateway? (Choose three.)
A. Three-node VMware NSX-T Controller Cluster
B. VMware vCenter Server
C. VMware Site Recovery
D. VMware vRealize Log Insight
E. VMware NSX-T Data Center Manager
F. VMware HCX Cloud Manager
Answer: A,B,C,D
Question: 18
A company is operating a main data center and two smaller data centers in branch offices. The main data center is
being replicated to a disaster recovery site at a co-located data center with a recovery point objective (RPO) of five
minutes and a recovery time objective (RTO) of two hours. The branch data centers are shipping backup tapes to the
main data center on a weekly basis.
What would be a cost-efficient VMware solution that would improve RTO and RPO for the branch office data centers
while maintaining the recovery time for the main data center?
A. Create a software-defined data center (SDDC) in VMware Cloud on AW
B. Create a shared content librand let the branch offices subscribe to it. Export the virtual machines in the branch
offices to OVF files on the shared content library on a weekly basis.
C. Create a software-defined data center (SDDC) in VMware Cloud on AW
D. Migrate the disaster recovery solution from the co-located data center to the VMware Cloud on AWS SDD
E. Create regular copies of the virtual machines at the branch offices and use AWS Snowball to directly ship the copies
to an AWS data center and store them on AWS S3 buckets.
F. Create a software-defined data center (SDDC) in VMware Cloud on AW
G. Activate VMware Site Recovery. Replace the co-located disaster recovery (DR) site for the main data center with
VMware Site Recovery. For the branch offices, implement VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR).
H. Create a software-defined data center (SDDC) in VMware Cloud on AW
I. Replace the co-located site for the main data center and the backup tape shipping for the branch offices with
VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR).
Answer: A
Question: 19
What are three valid migration modes in VMware HCX? (Choose three.)
A. Planned Failover
B. Hybrid Linked Mode
C. Bulk Migration
D. Replication Assisted vMotion (RAV)
E. HCXvMotion
F. Cross vCenter vMotion
Answer: A,C,D,E
Reference: https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/products/hcx/vmw-hcx-
Question: 20
What is the maximum Gbps of bandwidth that each AWS Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) provides on a i3.metal host?
A. 25Gbps
B. 50Gbps
C. 10Gbps
D. 100Gbps
Answer: A
I3 instances offer up to 25 Gbps of network bandwidth and up to 14 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth to Amazon Elastic
Block Store (Amazon EBS).
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/i3/

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