Vmware 5V0-35.21 Questions & Answers

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VMware vRealize Operations Specialist
Question: 1
Which two options can be applied as a super metric? (Choose two.)
A. The average CPU usage of VMs within a Datacenter
B. The difference of CPU utilization for each VM between two defined time stamps
C. String operators that are valid to be used with mathematical calculations in a function
D. Count of Non-Windows VMs in a vSphere cluster
E. The average SCSI count with disk size of VMs within an ESXi host
Answer: A,D
Question: 2
An administrator wants to enable a custom metric configuration file to a scoreboard widget in a dashboard, but after
configuring it, the scoreboard does not show the new metrics at all.
Which scoreboard widget configuration option possibly caused this problem?
A. Refresh content set to On
B. Self Provider set to Off
C. Self Provider set to On
D. Refresh content set to Off
Answer: B
Question: 3
Which actions can be performed on vSphere virtual machine from vRealize Operations Product UI? (Choose three.)
A. Create virtual machine snapshot
B. Delete virtual machine snapshot
C. Move virtual machine
D. Add virtual disk
E. Expand virtual disk
F. Add vCPU
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 4
An administrator is working on a non-credential based service discovery in a virtualization environment using
vRealize Operations.
Which package is a base requirement of the virtual machine?
A. Telegraf Agent
C. Remote Collector
D. VMware Tools
Answer: D
Question: 5
An administrator configured a Symptom with a Wait Cycle of 3 and a Cancel Cycle of 2.
The default cycle was not changed.
How many minutes will it take for both to be triggered?
A. Wait: 15 minutes, Cancel: 15 minutes
B. Wait: 15 minutes, Cancel: 20 minutes
C. Wait: 15 minutes, Cancel: 10 minutes
D. Wait: 20 minutes, Cancel: 15 minutes
Answer: C
Question: 6
Which two are supported Cloud Account types in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)
A. Microsoft Azure
B. Horizon Connection Server
C. Google Cloud Platform
D. vRealize Automation
E. vCenter Server
Answer: A,C
Question: 7
Which three node configurations are supported during installation, according to vRealize Operations Sizing
Guidelines? (Choose three.)
A. Large
B. Small
C. Tiny
D. Very Large
E. Medium
F. No limit
Answer: A,B,E
Question: 8
What is used to monitor third-party solutions from vRealize Operations?
A. Inventory
B. Management packs
C. Authentication sources
D. Super metrics
Answer: B
Question: 9
An administrator is using the troubleshooting workbench in vRealize Operations for troubleshooting purposes.
Which other vRealize Suite product's data will be shown in this view when the integration is configured?
A. vRealize Log Insight
B. vRealize Network Insight
C. vRealize Automation
D. vRealize AI Cloud
Answer: A
Question: 10
Which statement accurately describes the characteristics of an alert notification?
A. Notifications are configured out-of-the-box but need to be explicitly enabled for each object discovered by
vRealize Operations.
B. A SMTP Management pack is required to enable email notifications.
C. Notifications are configured as part of an alert's symptom definition.
D. vRealize Operations can be connected to the external alert notification system by configuring an outbound alert
Answer: D
Question: 11
An administrator has deployed a vRealize Operations (vROps) cluster in a Continuous Availability configuration
across the two racks in two fault domains. Following a network outage that occurred for several minutes, the
administrator has been tasked to ensure that the vROps deployment is still healthy. They have noted that one cluster
can still contact the witness node.
Which two events will occur as a result of the outage? (Choose two.)
A. The vROps cluster will bring the fault domain back automatically once the network has been restored.
B. The administrator will need to bring the other fault domain online manually.
C. The administrator will need to restart and resync the vROps cluster.
D. One fault domain will go offline.
E. Both fault domains will be offline.
Answer: A,D
Question: 12
A system administrator creates a common catalog to be used by all customers. For availability purposes, the catalog
will be consumed by a different VMware Cloud Director instance in a different country.
Which catalog setting enables the catalog to be shared across VMware Cloud Director instances?
A. Published catalog
B. Subscribed catalog
C. Content library catalog
D. Shared catalog
Answer: A
A "Published Catalog" in VMware Cloud Director (formerly known as vCloud Director) is a catalog that has been
marked for sharing, either within an organization or across different organizations. This means that the catalog can be
accessed by users in other organizations, or in this case, by a different VMware Cloud Director instance in a different
Question: 13
An administrator has been tasked with configuring vRealize Operations to ensure that workload performance across the
VMware SDDC is the main priority. In the event of an issue, remediation activities should be automatically completed
to minimize any impact to running workloads. A maximum of 10% cluster resources should be reserved for burst
Which option should the administrator configure to meet these requirements?
A. Business Intent
B. Reclamation
C. Operational Intent
D. Rightsizing
Answer: C
Question: 14
An administrator is configuring and managing multisite deployments.
Which Association Member Status is an invalid status?
A. Inactive
B. Asymmetric
C. Active
D. Unreachable
Answer: B
In the context of multisite deployments and association member status in vRealize Operations, "Asymmetric" is not a
valid status. The valid statuses for members of an association in vRealize Operations include:
Active: This status signifies that the member is fully active and participating in the association.
Inactive: This status means that the member is not currently active in the association.
Unreachable: This status indicates that the member is not currently reachable, which may be due to network issues, or
the member being powered off or otherwise unavailable.
Question: 15
Which type of node in a vRealize Operations (vROps) design allows an administrator to scale out vROps to monitor
very large environments?
A. Remote collectors
B. Replica Primary nodes
C. Primary nodes
D. Data nodes
Answer: A
Question: 16
An administrator has been tasked with making sure that the existing vRealize Operations Manager instance can
monitor a newly deployed vSAN cluster within an existing vCenter Server.
Which action should the administrator take to accomplish this goal?
A. Add vSAN cluster under Other Accounts.
B. Enable vSAN monitoring under existing vCenter Server Cloud Account.
C. Download and install vRealize Operations Management Pack for vSA
D. Add vSAN cluster under Cloud Accounts.
Answer: B
Question: 17
An administrator has Telegraf agent installed on a server instance.
Which type of Remote Check may be configured?
A. ICMP Check
B. UDMP Check
C. RDP Check
D. WMI Check
Answer: A
Question: 18
An administrator has enabled the allocation model in a policy and set the CPU overcommit ratio to 4:1 for all vSphere
clusters in a vSphere datacenter.
Why would vRealize Operations report that the cluster has 0 days remaining when the actual CPU overcommit ratio is
less than the 4:1 configured value?
A. The allocation model will always report zero remaining capacity when the actual ratio is less than the configured
B. The allocation model does not account for powered off virtual machines.
C. The CPU demand in the cluster is less than the total CPU capacity.
D. The CPU demand in the cluster is greater than the total CPU capacity.
Answer: D
Question: 19
An administrator has an existing vRealize Operations instance that monitors an existing vSphere infrastructure. The
company has just deployed NSX-T across all hosts managed within this vSphere infrastructure.
The administrator has been asked to configure vRealize Operations to monitor the new NSX-T installation.
Which action should the administrator take to accomplish this goal?
A. Add NSX-T account under Cloud Accounts.
B. Configure NSX-T account in Integrations.
C. Configure NSX-T monitoring under the Cloud Account of the existing vCenter Server of the vSphere infrastructure.
D. Add NSX-T account under Other Accounts.
Answer: A
Question: 20
An administrator defines the role-based access control mechanisms for new vRealize Operations Manager
implementation using LDAP authentication method.
Which statement accurately describes these users?
A. Credentials for these accounts are stored in its central Postgres database.
B. They are not allowed to perform any actions in vRealize Operations.
C. They can access vSphere and other objects including third-party objects.
D. The LDAP user password policy is set to expire every 45 days in vRealize Operations.
Answer: C
Question: 21
An organization's owner has invited a new user to consume VMware Cloud Services.
How long is the invitation valid before it is revoked?
A. 1 hour
B. 3 days
C. 7 days
D. 24 hours
Answer: C
Question: 22
An administrator is creating a new alert definition. It was decided that this new alert should affect the Risk badge of an
object when triggered.
Which setting should be configured by the administrator to achieve this goal?
A. Impact
B. Alert Type & Subtype
C. Criticality
D. Base Object Type
Answer: A
Question: 23
The VMware Cloud Director administrator wants to make sure that the system is able to collect log bundles from all
cells at once.
How should the administrator accomplish this goal?
A. Install vRealize Log Insight agent on each cell to redirect logs to a centralized location.
B. Configure a syslog server on each of the cells, and request the logs from the syslog server.
C. Map the log location on the primary cell to a shared folder on each of the other cells in the server group, ensuring
they all have read/write rights on the primary.
D. Make sure the NFS server allows read-write access to the shared location by the root system account on each cell.
Answer: D
Question: 24
What are the two required components of an alert definition? (Choose two.)
A. Symptom
B. Version
C. Node
D. Action
E. Recommendation
Answer: A,E
Question: 25
An administrator is planning the size of a new vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) platform using the vROps sizing
tool. The output of different configurations and sizing information from the tool were modeled for internal design
Refer to the exhibit:
Which configuration was sized?
A. High Availability
B. Continuous Availability
C. Stretched Cluster
D. Fault Tolerance
Answer: A

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