Atlassian ACP-610 Questions & Answers

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Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server
Question: 101
You are setting up a Jira project and want to define different sets of permissions
for different user roles. Which configuration option should you modify to
achieve this?
A. Project permission scheme
B. Workflow schemes
C. Global permission scheme
D. Issue-level security
Answer: A
Explanation: To define different sets of permissions for different user roles in a
Jira project, you need to modify the project's permission scheme. The project
permission scheme allows you to assign specific permissions to different user
roles, controlling their access and actions within the project.
Question: 102
You want to create a board that displays issues from multiple projects. Which
configuration option in Jira allows you to achieve this?
A. Quick filters
B. Swimlanes
C. Card colors
D. Board filter
Answer: D
Explanation: The board filter configuration option in Jira allows you to specify
the criteria for selecting issues to display on a board. By configuring the board
filter, you can include issues from multiple projects and define the specific
criteria for issue selection.
Question: 103
You want to limit the visibility of certain custom fields to specific groups of
users in Jira. Which configuration option should you modify to achieve this?
A. Notification schemes
B. Workflow schemes
C. Field configurations
D. Issue type schemes
Answer: C
Explanation: Field configurations in Jira allow you to define the visibility of
custom fields for different groups of users. By modifying the field
configurations, you can restrict the visibility of certain custom fields to specific
user groups, ensuring data privacy and appropriate access control.
Question: 104
You want to automate certain actions or notifications when specific events
occur in Jira. Which configuration option should you use to achieve this?
A. Workflow validators
B. Workflow conditions
C. Workflow post functions
D. Workflow transitions
Answer: C
Explanation: Workflow post functions in Jira allow you to automate actions or
notifications when specific events occur. By configuring workflow post
functions, you can define automated actions such as sending notifications,
updating fields, or triggering external integrations based on specific workflow
Question: 105
You want to create a custom field in Jira to capture additional information for
specific issue types. Which configuration option should you use to define this
custom field?
A. Workflow schemes
B. Field configurations
C. Notification schemes
D. Issue type schemes
Answer: B
Explanation: Field configurations in Jira allow you to define custom fields and
their attributes. By using field configurations, you can create a custom field to
capture additional information for specific issue types, such as text fields,
checkboxes, or dropdown menus.
Question: 106
You want to visualize the progress of work items on a board using different
colors to represent different issue priorities. Which configuration element in
Jira allows you to achieve this?
A. Card colors
B. Swimlanes
C. Quick filters
D. Priority levels
Answer: A
Explanation: Card colors in Jira allow you to visually represent different issue
priorities on a board. By configuring card colors, you can assign specific colors
to different priority levels, providing a quick and visual representation of issue
priorities on the board.
Question: 107
You want to ensure that only specific users can resolve issues in a Jira project.
Which configuration option should you modify to enforce this restriction?
A. Workflow validators
B. Workflow post functions
C. Workflow transitions
D. Workflow conditions
Answer: D
Explanation: Workflow conditions in Jira allow you to define criteria that must
be met for an issue transition to occur. By configuring workflow conditions,
you can enforce restrictions to ensure that only specific users have the ability to
resolve issues in a project.
Question: 108
You want to configure a Jira board to display issues in a specific order based on
their priority. Which configuration option should you use to achieve this?
A. Quick filters
B. Ranking
C. Card colors
D. Swimlanes
Answer: B
Explanation: The ranking feature in Jira allows you to order issues based on
their priority. By configuring ranking, you can set the relative importance of
issues, and the board will display them in the specified order.
Question: 109
You want to provide users with the ability to add comments to issues in a Jira
project. Which configuration option should you enable to allow this?
A. Issue-level security
B. Workflow validators
C. Notification schemes
D. Comment permissions
Answer: D
Explanation: Comment permissions in Jira allow you to control who can add
comments to issues. By enabling comment permissions, you provide users with
the ability to add comments and collaborate on issues within the project.
Question: 110
You want to configure a Jira project to automatically assign newly created
issues to specific users based on their issue type. Which configuration option
should you use to achieve this?
A. Workflow validators
B. Workflow conditions
C. Workflow post functions
D. Component lead
Answer: C
Explanation: Workflow post functions in Jira allow you to perform actions
automatically during or after an issue transition. By configuring a workflow
post function, you can automatically assign newly created issues to specific
users based on their issue type.
Question: 111
You want to set up email notifications for specific events in Jira, such as issue
creation or status changes. Which configuration option should you modify to
enable email notifications?
A. Comment permissions
B. Workflow validators
C. Issue-level security
D. Notification schemes
Answer: D
Explanation: Notification schemes in Jira allow you to define the recipients and
events for email notifications. By modifying the notification scheme, you can
enable email notifications for specific events, ensuring that users are informed
about important changes in the project.
Question: 112
You want to create a custom field in Jira that allows users to select multiple
options from a predefined list. Which configuration option should you use to
define this custom field?
A. Field configurations
B. Workflow schemes
C. Notification schemes
D. Custom field schemes
Answer: A
Explanation: Field configurations in Jira allow you to create custom fields and
define their attributes. By using field configurations, you can create a custom
field that allows users to select multiple options from a predefined list, such as
a multi-select dropdown menu.
Question: 113
You want to track the progress of work items on a board using a visual
representation of their status. Which configuration element in Jira allows you to
achieve this?
A. Swimlanes
B. Quick filters
C. Card colors
D. Workflow transitions
Answer: A
Explanation: Swimlanes in Jira allow you to visually represent the status of
work items on a board. By configuring swimlanes, you can group and display
issues based on their status, providing a clear visual representation of work
Question: 114
You want to customize the fields displayed on the issue view screen in Jira for
a specific project. Which configuration option should you modify to achieve
A. Field configurations
B. Workflow schemes
C. Notification schemes
D. Issue type schemes
Answer: A
Explanation: Field configurations in Jira allow you to customize the fields
displayed on the issue view screen. By modifying the field configurations, you
can choose which fields are visible and editable on the issue view screen for a
specific project.
Question: 115
You want to configure a Jira project to display a specific set of issue types on
the board. Which configuration option should you modify to achieve this?
A. Issue type schemes
B. Swimlanes
C. Card colors
D. Board filter
Answer: A
Explanation: Issue type schemes in Jira allow you to define the available issue
types for a project. By modifying the issue type scheme, you can specify the set
of issue types that should be displayed on the board for the project.
Question: 116
You want to track the progress of work items on a board using visual indicators
such as checklists or progress bars. Which configuration element in Jira allows
you to achieve this?
A. Quick filters
B. Custom field configurations
C. Card colors
D. Swimlanes
Answer: B
Explanation: Custom field configurations in Jira allow you to define visual
indicators such as checklists or progress bars to track the progress of work
items on a board. By configuring custom field configurations, you can add
visual elements to the board that provide additional information or status
updates for each issue.

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