Blue-Prism APD01 Questions & Answers

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Blue Prism Professional Developer
Question: 43
While trying to read a table in a browser based application into a collection an error message appears and the table cannot be read directly into the
collection. This happens when using either AA or HTML mode. Which of the following would be the most appropriate workaround?
A. Spy one cell in the table using HTML mode and make the Path attribute dynamic. Use this dynamic element to read the required cells one be
one into a collection.
B. Use Surface Automation techniques such as OCR to read the table
C. Set the HKEY CURRENT USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainTabProcGrowth Registry key to 2
D. Use the Read HTML action in conjunction with regular expressions to read the table.
Answer: B
For this you have to use surface automation techniques.
Use Region mode and draw a region which is of width and height of one record and read using Read Text with OCR (Loop this activity by increasing X
and Y co-ordinates by the required pixels to read line-by-line until it reaches end of the table).
Question: 44
A Process is fed cases to work from a spreadsheet held in a shared drive. The location of the shared drive is different between Development and
Production environments. How should this be managed?
A. During the build and test phase, hold the ‘Development’ path to the spreadsheet in a data item within a Process. When the Process is
imported into Production it will be opened and the data item will be amended to hold the ‘Production’path.
B. During the build and test phase, hold the ‘Development’ path to the spreadsheet in a data item within a Process. Expose this data item as a
Session Variable. When the Process is run in Production, this Session Variable value can be setin Control Room
C. Hold the Path to the spreadsheet as an Environment Variable
D. Pass the Path as a Startup Parameter when the process starts
Answer: B
Question: 45
While automating a process involving a browser based application a popup window from the browser application appears that you need to work with.
When you try to spy the popup window and its elements, Blue Prism throws the following error: "There was an error during the spying operation."
Which of the following would be the most appropriate workaround?
A. Set the HKEY CURRENT USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainTabProcGrowth Registry key to 2
B. Change the scope of the process so that the popup window does not need to be automated
C. Create a new separate object that attaches to the running instance of the popup and attempt to spy elements with this object instead.D. Use
Surface Automation techniques to interface with the popup
Answer: D
Question: 46
Which of the following Application Models follow Blue Prism Best Practice:




Answer: C
Question: 47
Which of the following four configurations depicts the best approach for an Action that has been built to select a button to navigate to an Input Order





Answer: A
Question: 48
A Process Definition Document, for a new process to open ISA accounts, specifies that the value "2008 Cash ISA" is to be entered into the Product
Selection field of the following screen:
The Product Selection field is a drop down menu with the following options available:

According to Best Practice, which of the following design options are correct for populating the Product Selection field with the value 2008 Cash ISA:
A. The Product Selection value should be hard coded as 2008 Cash ISA in the stage that will populate the field.
B. A text data item, with an initial value of 2008 Cash ISA should be configured. This data item should be used as the input value to the stage
that will populate the Product Selection field.
C. An input parameter should be configured in the start stage allowing the calling process to determine what value to be populated into the
Product Selection number fieldD. All of the above
Answer: C
Question: 49
The following screen displays order details in a client’s order system application. An order is entered into the Order number field and the details for that
order are displayed. There is a requirement to read the Product code value from the resulting display. The Product code will vary between orders.

The Product Code label has been successfully spied and the following attributes have been returned:

The Product Code value field has been spied and the following attribute set has been selected:

In order to ensure a consistent match for the Screen Text – Product Code element, which of the following statements must be considered:
1. The Dynamic value of the Y attribute for the Screen Text – Product Code element must be derived from the Y attribute of the Label -Product Code
2. The Y attribute of the Label -Product Code element cannot be derived as it is not checked
3. The Y attribute for the Screen Text – Product Code element must be set to a Match Type of ‘Equal’
4. The Window Text attribute for the Screen Text – Product Code element must be set to a Match Type of ‘Wildcard’
5. The Window Text attribute for the Screen Text – Product Code element must be un-checked
A. 1 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 5
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 5
Answer: D

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