IBM C1000-119 Questions & Answers

Full Version: 178 Q&A

Question: 1
Which of the following components are part of the compute infrastructure in cloud environments?
A. Virtual machines (VMs) and containers.
B. Routers and switches.
C. Object storage and block storage.
D. Load balancers and firewalls.
E. DNS servers and domain registration.
Answer: A
Explanation: The compute infrastructure in cloud environments typically includes virtual machines (VMs) and containers, which are used to run applications and services. Routers, switches, load balancers, firewalls, object storage, block storage, DNS servers, and domain registration are part of networking, storage, and data management aspects of cloud environments, respectively.
Question: 2
Which of the following tasks are part of the operations phase in the software development lifecycle?
A. Developing new features and functionalities.
B. Conducting code reviews and quality assurance.
C. Deploying applications and services.
D. Monitoring system performance and availability.
E. Writing user documentation.
Answer: C, D Explanation: The operations phase in the software development lifecycle involves tasks related to managing and maintaining the deployed applications and services. This includes deploying new releases, monitoring system performance and availability, ensuring proper configuration management, and addressing any operational issues that arise. Developing new features, conducting code reviews, and writing user documentation are typically part of the development and release phases.
Question: 3
When it comes to networking in cloud environments, which of the following statements are true?
A. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are not supported in cloud environments.
B. Cloud networks are isolated from the public internet.
C. Load balancers are not used in cloud environments.
D. Cloud networking is not scalable.
E. Cloud networking does not require any security considerations.
Answer: B
Explanation: Networking in cloud environments involves creating and managing virtual networks that can be isolated from the public internet. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are commonly used to securely connect on-premises networks with cloud networks. Load balancers play a crucial role in distributing traffic across multiple instances and ensuring scalability and high availability. Cloud networking is designed to be scalable, and security considerations, such as network segmentation and access controls, are essential to protect cloud resources from unauthorized access.
Question: 4
When it comes to applying Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles, which of the following statements are true?
A. SRE focuses on achieving high availability and reliability of systems.
B. SRE primarily deals with software development and coding.
C. SRE places less emphasis on automation and monitoring.
D. SRE is unrelated to incident response and management.
E. SRE disregards the reliability and resiliency of systems.
Answer: A
Explanation: Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is an approach that focuses on ensuring the high availability, reliability, and performance of systems and services. It emphasizes the collaboration between software engineering and operations teams to achieve these goals. SRE teams employ practices such as automation, monitoring, incident response, and capacity planning to maintain the reliability and resiliency of systems.
Question: 5
When it comes to reliability and resiliency in cloud environments, which of the following statements are true?
A. High availability is not a concern in cloud environments.
B. Redundancy and fault tolerance are unnecessary in cloud architectures.
C. Disaster recovery planning is not relevant for cloud services.
D. Load balancing and auto-scaling contribute to reliability.
E. Backup and data replication are not supported in cloud environments.
Answer: D
Explanation: Reliability and resiliency are crucial aspects of cloud environments. High availability, achieved through redundancy and fault tolerance, is a key consideration to minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted service. Disaster recovery planning is essential to recover from catastrophic events or service disruptions. Load balancing and auto-scaling are techniques used to distribute workloads and dynamically adjust resources, contributing to overall reliability. Backup and data replication are supported in cloud environments to ensure data durability and availability.
Question: 6
Which of the following storage options are typically available in cloud environments for data management?
A. Object storage and block storage.
B. Relational databases only.
C. Network-attachedstorage (NAS) only.
D. Tape drives and magnetic disks.
E. Streaming servers and content delivery networks (CDNs).
Answer: A
Explanation: Cloud environments provide various storage options for data management. Object storage and block storage are commonly available options. Object storage is suitable for storing unstructured data, such as files and media objects, and provides scalability and durability. Block storage is used for storing structured data and provides low-latency access. Relational databases, NAS, tape drives, magnetic disks, streaming servers, and CDNs are specific storage technologies or services that may be available within a cloud environment but are not the only storage options.
Question: 7
When it comes to security and compliance in cloud environments, which of the following statements are true?
A. Cloud providers are solely responsible for security; customers have no role to play.
B. Security and compliance are the same thing and can be used interchangeably.
C. Customers are responsible for securing their data and applications in the cloud.
D. Compliance is the responsibility of the cloud provider; customers need not worry about it.
E. Security and compliance considerations are not relevant in cloud environments.
Answer: C
Explanation: In cloud environments, security and compliance are shared responsibilities between the cloud provider and the customer. While cloud providers have measures in place to secure their infrastructure, customers are responsible for securing their data, applications, and configurations within the cloud. Compliance requirements, such as data privacy regulations, also fall under the responsibility of the customer. Security and compliance are distinct concepts, with security focusing on protecting assets from unauthorized access or threats, and compliance addressing adherence to relevant regulations and standards.
Question: 8
Which of the following activities are part of monitoring and incident management in the context of cloud services?
A. Setting up proactive monitoring alerts and notifications.
B. Analyzing user feedback and feature requests.
C. Conducting regular security audits.
D. Investigating and resolving system failures and incidents.
E. Managing the deployment of virtual machines.
Answer: A, D
Explanation: Monitoring and incident management in the context of cloud services involve activities such as setting up proactive monitoring alerts and notifications to detect system issues, investigating and resolving incidents and system failures, and ensuring the overall health and performance of the cloud infrastructure. Analyzing user feedback and feature requests, conducting security audits, and managing virtual machine deployments are not directly related to monitoring and incident management.

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