Salesforce Certified-Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Designer Questions & Answers

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Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer
Question: 67
Universal Containers (UC) has received feedback from the field on several new feature requests that are aligned with
key business goals. UC is looking for a way to quickly get feedback and prioritize these requests.
Which two options should an Architect recommend? (Choose two.)
A . Create design standards around the new features being requested.
B . Send the requests to IT for a formal review at the end of the year.
C . Bring the feature request to the Test Manager to gain quality checks.
D . Present the feature requests at a Center of Excellence meeting.
E . Create a backlog or priority list in a project management tool.
Answer: DE
Question: 68
Universal Containers has multiple projects being developed in parallel. One of the projects is in the testing phase, and
the testing team found a list of issues on the items that will be deployed to production. As the project deadline is short,
the customer team proposes that the fixes be done in the test sandbox and then deployed to Production.
What should the Architect recommend?
A . Recommend fixing the issues in the test environment and migrating the changes to the development sandbox.
B . Recommend fixing the issues in the development sandbox, migrating them to testing, and deploy to production
after testing.
C . Recommend fixing the issues in the development environment and deploying the changes to production.
D . Recommend the customer team’s proposal to fix the issues in the testing environment and deploy them to
Answer: B
Question: 69
Universal Containers (UC) is implementing Service Cloud for their contact centers for 3,000 users. They have
approximately 10 customers. The average page response time expected is less than 5 seconds with 1,500 concurrent
What type of testing will help UC measure the page response time?
A . Unit Testing
B . System Integration Testing
C . Load Testing
D . Stress Testing
Answer: C
Question: 70
Universal Containers (UC) is about to begin development work on a new project in their Salesforce org that will take
many months to complete. UC is concerned about how critical bugs will be addressed for existing live functionality.
What is the recommended release management strategy to address this concern?
A . Include fixes for critical bugs in the ongoing Development sandboxes so that they will be released with the other
B . Keep teams separate until the end of the project and create a Full Copy sandbox to merge their work then.
C . Utilize a dedicated developer pro sandbox to address critical bugs and release to production.
D . Address critical bugs in the Development sandboxes and push those changes to production separately.
Answer: C
Question: 71
Universal Containers (UC) is preparing for the new Salesforce release in a couple of months, and has several ongoing
development projects that may be affected.
Which three steps should the team at UC take to prepare for this release? (Choose three.)
A . Upgrade any SOAP integrations to the newest WSDL as early as possible.
B . Contact Salesforce to schedule a time to upgrade the Full sandbox.
C . Review the release notes for automatically-enabled features and technical debt.
D . Refresh a Sandbox during the Release Preview Window to ensure they have the upcoming release.
E . Run regression tests in an upgraded sandbox to detect any issues with the upgrade.
Answer: CDE
Question: 72
Universal Containers has multiple minor and major releases in a year. Minor releases have simple configuration
changes, while major releases involve a large number of complex code components.
What deployment tools should an Architect recommend for both types of releases?
A . IDE for minor releases and metadata API for major releases.
B . Change sets for both minor releases and major releases.
C . Change sets for minor releases and IDE for major releases.
D . Change sets for minor releases and metadata API for major releases.
Answer: D
Question: 73
Universal Containers (UC) works with different partners and has few admin resources that take care of the day-to-day
deployment tasks. As a result, UC would like to find a way to automate the deployments using Metadata API.
Which two limitations of Metadata API should be considered when using Metadata API-based deployments? (Choose
A . Maximum size of deployed .zip file is 39 M
C . Deploy and retrieve up to 10,000 files at once.
D . Deploy up to 10,000 files, but retrieve more than 10,000 files.
E . Maximum size of deployed .zip file is 400 M
Answer: AB
Question: 74
Universal Containers (UC) is considering updating their Salesforce Release Management process.
Which three best practices should UC consider for version control? (Choose three.)
A . Automation is a must with various application branches in the repository.
B . Maintain a single entry point for production from the master branch.
C . Maintain unrestricted access to the release sandboxes for all changes being deployed.
D . Maintain separate developer branches for minor and major releases.
E . Maintain a single repository for applications with individual branches for projects.
Answer: BDE
Question: 75
Universal Containers is planning to release simple configuration changes and enhancements to their Sales Cloud. A
Technical Architect recommended using change sets.
Which two advantages would change sets provide in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A . The ability to deploy a very large number of components easily.
B . An easy way to deploy related components.
C . A simple and declarative method for deployment.
D . The ability to track changes to components.
Answer: BC

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