SalesForce DEX-450 Questions & Answers

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Programmatic Development using Apex and Visualforce
in Lightning Experience

Question: 88
In a single record, a user selects multiple values from a multi-select picklist.
How are the selected values represented in Apex?
A. As a String with each value separated by a comma
B. As a Set with each value as an element in the set
C. As a String with each value separated by a semicolon
D. As a List with each value as an element in the list Previous
Answer: C
Question: 89
What is a benefit of using an after insert trigger over using a before insert trigger?
A. An after insert trigger allows a developer to bypass validation rules when updating fields on the new record.
B. An after insert trigger allows a developer to insert other objects that reference the new record.
C. An after insert trigger allows a developer to make a callout to an external service.
D. An after insert trigger allows a developer to modify fields in the new record without a query.
Answer: B
Question: 90
Why would a developer consider using a custom controller over a controller extension?
A. To increase the SOQL query governor limits.
B. To implement all of the logic for a page and bypass default Salesforce functionality
C. To leverage built-in functionality of a standard controller
D. To enforce user sharing settings and permissions
Answer: B
Question: 91
Using the Schema Builder, a developer tries to change the API name of a field that is referenced in an Apex test class.
What is the end result?
A. The API name is not changed and there are no other impacts.
B. The API name of the field and the reference in the test class is changed.
C. The API name of the field is changed, and a warning is issued to update the class.
D. The API name of the field and the reference in the test class is updated.
Answer: C
Question: 92
Which set of roll-up types are available when creating a roll-up summary field?
Answer: A
Question: 93
Which two number expressions evaluate correctly? (Choose two.)
A. Double d = 3.14159;
B. Integer I = 3.14159;
C. Decimal d = 3.14159;
D. Long l = 3.14159;
Answer: A,C
Question: 94
How should a developer prevent a recursive trigger?
A. Use a “one trigger per object” pattern.
B. Use a static Boolean variable.
C. Use a trigger handler.
D. Use a private Boolean variable.
Answer: D
Question: 95
A developer needs to create a Visualforce page that displays Case data. The page will be used by both support reps
and support managers. The Support Rep profile does not allow visibility of the Customer_Satisfaction__c field, but the
Support Manager profile does.
How can the developer create the page to enforce Field Level Security and keep future maintenance to a minimum?
A. Create one Visualforce Page for use by both profiles.
B. Use a new Support Manager permission set.
C. Create a separate Visualforce Page for each profile.
D. Use a custom controller that has the with sharing keywords.
Answer: D
Question: 96
How can a developer determine, from the DescribeSObjectResult, if the current user will be able to create records for
an object in Apex?
A. By using the isInsertable() method.
B. By using the isCreatable() method.
C. By using the hasAccess() method.
D. By using the canCreate() method.
Answer: B
Question: 97
A newly hired developer discovers that there are multiple triggers on the case object.
What should the developer consider when working with triggers?
A. Developers must dictate the order of trigger execution.
B. Trigger execution order is based on creation date and time.
C. Unit tests must specify the trigger being tested.
D. Trigger execution order is not guaranteed for the same sObject.
Answer: D
Question: 98
Which two statements are true about using the @testSetup annotation in an Apex test class? (Choose two.)
A. The @testSetup annotation cannot be used when the @isTest(SeeAllData=True) annotation is used.
B. Test data is inserted once for all test methods in a class.
C. Records created in the @testSetup method cannot be updates in individual test methods.
D. The @testSetup method is automatically executed before each test method in the test class is executed.
Answer: D
Question: 99
A developer has the following query: Contact c = [SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email FROM Contact WHERE
lastname = ‘Smith’];
What does the query return if there is no Contact with the last name ‘Smith’?
A. A contact initialized to null.
B. An error that no rows are found.
C. An empty List of Contacts.
D. A Contact with empty values.
Answer: B
Question: 100
Which SOQL query successfully returns the Accounts grouped by name?
A. SELECT Type, Max(CreatedDate) FROM Account GROUP BY Name
B. SELECT Name, Max(CreatedDate) FROM Account GROUP BY Name
C. SELECT Id, Type, Max(CreatedDate) FROM Account GROUP BY Name
D. SELECT Type, Name, Max(CreatedDate) FROM Account GROUP BY Name LIMIT 5
Answer: B

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