NetSuite ERP-Consultant Questions & Answers

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NetSuite ERP Consultant

Question: 26
What impact does the manager commission schedule have on the commissions a Manager receives?
A. Manager schedules have no impact on the commission the Manager receives. It is only used for reporting purposes.
B. Manager schedules calculate commission for Sales Managers based on the sales they make only. Employee commissions do not affect the
C. Manager schedules calculate commission for Sales Managers based on the sales made by Sales Reps they supervise as well as the sales
they make directly.
D. Manager schedules calculate commission for Sales Managers based on the sales made by all Sales Reps regardless of reporting structure as
well as the sales they make directly.
Answer: C
Question: 27
What are two (2) advantages of using the Inbound Shipment Management Tool? (Choose two.)
A. Ship to several addresses using different shipping methods on the same transaction.
B. Accounts for in-transit inventory and status across an organization.
C. Users can create a single Item Receipt for all Purchase Order in an Inbound Shipment.
D. Drop Shipment for a Purchase Order is supported.
E. Apply landed costs to an entire shipment rather than individual item receipts.
Answer: B,E
Question: 28
Which default recognition methods are available when creating a new revenue recognition rule? (Choose two.)
A. Straight-line, prorate all periods except first and last (period rate)
B. Straight-line, by even periods
C. Straight-line by exact periods
D. Straight-line, prorate first and last period (period rate)
Answer: B,D
Reference: (17)
Question: 29
A company that uses FIFO costing method is going live.
Which transaction best captures the time-based nature of inventory cost?
A. Adjust Inventory Worksheet
B. Item Fulfillment
C. Inventory Allocation
D. Adjust Inventory
Answer: D
Question: 30
A company wants to have vendor bills checked for discrepancies against item receipts, with a 5% tolerance quantity level.
Which is the correct setup?
A. Subsidiary Record > Preferences > Vendor Bill; Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance = 0.05
B. Subsidiary Record > Vendor Bill Matching > Vendor Bill; Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance = 0.05
C. Subsidiary Record > Vendor Bill Matching > Vendor Bill; Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance = 5
D. Subsidiary Record > Preferences > Vendor Bill; Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance = 5
Answer: D
Reference: /noninventorypurchaseitem.html

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