Genesys GCX-ARC Questions & Answers

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Genesys Cloud CX: Architect Certification
Question: 120
Which of the following components can be configured to read and write data from a CRM?
A. Set UUI Data
B. Get Participant Data
C. Call Data Action
D. Set Participant Data
Answer: D
Question: 121
Select the types of scheduling available in Genesys Cloud. (Choose two.)
A. Manual Scheduling
B. Load based Scheduling
C. Automated Scheduling
D. All of the above
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 122
Which of the following feature is used to test the created flow before it goes live?
A. Validate
B. Publish
C. Test
D. Debug
Answer: C
Question: 123
You are the administrator of a contact center and assigned to advertise an upcoming product to your customers.
Choose all the correct options for this scenario. (Choose two.)
A. Use an outbound campaign to promote the product.
B. Use the directory feature for advertising the product.
C. Use the prompt feature to play the product details every time customer dials your contact center.
D. Use the data tables feature for advertising the product.
Answer: A,C
Question: 124
Where can you view agent evaluation scores, evaluation activity, and calibration activity in real time?
A. Reports
B. Performance>Agents
C. Admin>Contact Center
D. Admin>Quality
Answer: D
Question: 125
Which speech recognition feature is enabled by default for new Inbound call flows?
A. Enable speech recognition for the entire flow
B. Company Directory speech recognition
C. Complete match timeout
D. Incomplete match timeout
Answer: B
Question: 126
How many ways are there to initiate a secure call flow?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Answer: D
Question: 127
What is the minimum value for the number of times to repeat a menu?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 0
Answer: D
Question: 128
The Utilization feature of Genesys Cloud allows administrators to configure: (Choose three.)
A. The maximum capacity that an agent may handle simultaneously for each supported media type
B. The after call work time for each media type
C. The length of time that an agent may spend on each media type
D. The number of different media types that an agent may handle simultaneously
E. The media types that can interrupt current interactions that an agent is handling
Answer: A,D,E
Question: 129
Select all the possible measurements for the selection timeout of every menu. (Choose two.)
A. Hours
B. Minutes
C. Seconds
D. Milliseconds
E. Microseconds
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 130
Which feature is a way to group and segregate objects used in the contact center, such as Architect flows, queues,
users, and campaigns, within the same organization?
A. Prompts
B. Schedule
C. Divisions
D. Decision
Answer: C
Question: 131
You are creating an In-queue call flow and need to inform customers about the approximate time to connect to the
agent. Select the correct action.
A. Hold Music
B. Play Wait Time
C. Play Estimated Wait Time
D. Approximate Wait Time
Answer: C
Question: 132
Select all the required parameters for configuring the Salesforce data actions. (Choose three.)
A. Username
B. Access ID
C. Password
D. ARN Number
E. Token
Answer: A,C,E
Question: 133
Which of the following components can be added to scripts? (Choose all that applies.)
A. Visual Basic Control
B. Text
C. Call Flow
D. Checkbox
E. Web Page
F. Image
Answer: A,B,D,E,F
Question: 134
The interaction may not route properly if the default language skill is not selected.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 135
Which of the following are valid response actions under Call Analysis Responses for Outbound Dialing? (Choose
A. Transfer
B. Transfer to ACD Flow
C. Transfer to Outbound Flow
D. Transfer to Flow
E. Hangup
F. Transfer to Secure Flow
Answer: A,B,F
Question: 136
Which definition matches the After Call Work option Optional?
A. The agent is automatically placed into an After Call Work status and the system will automatically set them to
Available when the After Call Timeout is reached. The agent may set themselves to Available if they complete their
After Call Work early.
B. The agent may or may not complete after call work. The system will set them to Available after an interaction
completes. They are responsible for setting their availability appropriately if performing After Call Work.
C. The agent is automatically placed into an After Call Work status and the system will automatically set them to
Available when the After Call Timeout is reached. The agent may not set themselves to Available if they complete
their After Call Work early.
D. The agent is placed in an After Call Work status and must manually set their status back to available when their
after call work is complete.
Answer: D
Question: 137
Select the correct format for a literal string expression for the following sentence: He said, âI will schedule the meeting
for the specific time zone with AM/PM settingsâ.
A. âHe said, ' I will schedule the meeting for the specific time zone with AM \ PM settingsââ
B. He said, I will schedule the meeting for the specific time zone with AM \ PM settings
C. âHe said, /" I will schedule the meeting for the specific time zone with AM // PM settings/ââ
D. âHe said, " I will schedule the meeting for the specific time zone with AM \ PM settingsââ
Answer: D
Question: 138
If you navigate away from the page without saving the Script, you will not lose any work you have completed.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 139
Which of the Performance views shows real-time data with historical metrics to give you both short term and long-
term views?
A. Reports
B. Dashboards
C. Dynamic Views
D. All of the above
Answer: C

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