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MLS-C01 : AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Exam
Amazon MLS-C01 Questions & Answers
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AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01)
Question: 52
A Machine Learning Specialist is building a model that will perform time series forecasting using Amazon SageMaker. The Specialist
has finished training the model and is now planning to perform load testing on the endpoint so they can configure Auto Scaling for
the model variant.
Which approach will allow the Specialist to review the latency, memory utilization, and CPU utilization during the load test?
A. Review SageMaker logs that have been written to Amazon S3 by leveraging Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight to
visualize logs as they are being produced.
B. Generate an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard to create a single view for the latency, memory utilization, and CPU
utilization metrics that are outputted by
Amazon SageMaker.
C. Build custom Amazon CloudWatch Logs and then leverage Amazon ES and Kibana to query and visualize the log data as
it is generated by Amazon
D. Send Amazon CloudWatch Logs that were generated by Amazon SageMaker to Amazon ES and use Kibana to query and
visualize the log data
Answer: B
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/monitoring-cloudwatch.html
Question: 53
A manufacturing company has structured and unstructured data stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. A Machine Learning Specialist
wants to use SQL to run queries on this data Which solution requires the LEAST effort to be able to query this data?
A. Use AWS Data Pipeline to transform the data and Amazon RDS to run queries.
B. Use AWS Glue to catalogue the data and Amazon Athena to run queries.
C. Use AWS Batch to run ETL on the data and Amazon Aurora to run the queries.
D. Use AWS Lambda to transform the data and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to run queries.
Answer: B
Question: 54
A Machine Learning Specialist is developing a custom video recommendation model for an application. The dataset used to train this
model is very large with millions of data points and is hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket. The Specialist wants to avoid loading all of
this data onto an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance because it would take hours to move and will exceed the attached 5 GB
Amazon EBS volume on the notebook instance.
Which approach allows the Specialist to use all the data to train the model?
A. Load a smaller subset of the data into the SageMaker notebook and train locally. Confirm that the training code is
executing and the model parameters seem reasonable. Initiate a SageMaker training job using the full dataset from theS3
bucket using Pipe input mode.
B. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance with an AWS Deep Learning AMI and attach the S3 bucket to the instance. Train on a
small amount of the data to verify the training code and hyperparameters. Go back to Amazon SageMaker andtrain using
the full dataset
C. Use AWS Glue to train a model using a small subset of the data to confirm that the data will be compatible with Amazon
SageMaker. Initiate a SageMaker training job using the full dataset from the S3 bucket using Pipe input mode.
D. Load a smaller subset of the data into the SageMaker notebook and train locally. Confirm that the training code is
executing and the model parameters seem reasonable. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance with an AWS Deep LearningAMI
and attach the S3 bucket to train the full dataset.
Answer: A
Question: 55
A Data Engineer needs to build a model using a dataset containing customer credit card information
How can the Data Engineer ensure the data remains encrypted and the credit card information is secure?
A. Use a custom encryption algorithm to encrypt the data and store the data on an Amazon SageMaker instance in a VPC.
Use the SageMaker DeepAR algorithm to randomize the credit card numbers.
B. Use an IAM policy to encrypt the data on the Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon Kinesis to automatically discard credit
card numbers and insert fake credit card numbers.
C. Use an Amazon SageMaker launch configuration to encrypt the data once it is copied to the SageMaker instance in a
VPC. Use the SageMaker principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm to reduce the length of the credit cardnumbers.
D. Use AWS KMS to encrypt the data on Amazon S3 and Amazon SageMaker, and redact the credit card numbers from the
customer data with AWS Glue.
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/pca.html
Question: 56
A Machine Learning Specialist is using an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance in a private subnet of a corporate VPC. The ML
Specialist has important data stored on the Amazon SageMaker notebook instance’s Amazon EBS volume, and needs to take a
snapshot of that EBS volume. However, the ML Specialist cannot find the Amazon SageMaker notebook instance’s EBS volume or
Amazon EC2 instance within the VPC.
Why is the ML Specialist not seeing the instance visible in the VPC?
A. Amazon SageMaker notebook instances are based on the EC2 instances within the customer account, but they run
outside of VPCs.
B. Amazon SageMaker notebook instances are based on the Amazon ECS service within customer accounts.
C. Amazon SageMaker notebook instances are based on EC2 instances running within AWS service accounts.
D. Amazon SageMaker notebook instances are based on AWS ECS instances running within AWS service accounts.
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/gs-setup-working-env.html
Question: 57
A Machine Learning Specialist is designing a system for improving sales for a company. The objective is to use the large amount of
information the company has on users’ behavior and product preferences to predict which products users would like based on the
users’ similarity to other users.
What should the Specialist do to meet this objective?
A. Build a content-based filtering recommendation engine with Apache Spark ML on Amazon EMR
B. Build a collaborative filtering recommendation engine with Apache Spark ML on Amazon EMR.
C. Build a model-based filtering recommendation engine with Apache Spark ML on Amazon EMR
D. Build a combinative filtering recommendation engine with Apache Spark ML on Amazon EMR
Answer: B
Many developers want to implement the famous Amazon model that was used to power the "People who bought this also bought these
items" feature on Amazon.com. This model is based on a method called Collaborative Filtering. It takes items such as movies, books,
and products that were rated highly by a set of users and recommending them to other users who also gave them high ratings. This
method works well in domains where explicit ratings or implicit user actions can be gathered and analyzed.
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/building-a-recommendation-engine-with-spark-ml-on-amazon-emr-using-zeppelin/
Question: 58
A Mobile Network Operator is building an analytics platform to analyze and optimize a company’s operations using Amazon Athena
and Amazon S3.
The source systems send data in .CSV format in real time. The Data Engineering team wants to transform the data to the Apache
Parquet format before storing it on Amazon S3.
Which solution takes the LEAST effort to implement?
A. Ingest .CSV data using Apache Kafka Streams on Amazon EC2 instances and use Kafka Connect S3 to serialize data as
B. Ingest .CSV data from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and use Amazon Glue to convert data into Parquet.
C. Ingest .CSV data using Apache Spark Structured Streaming in an Amazon EMR cluster and use Apache Spark to
convert data into Parquet.
D. Ingest .CSV data from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to convert data into
Answer: C
Question: 59
A city wants to monitor its air quality to address the consequences of air pollution. A Machine Learning Specialist needs to forecast
the air quality in parts per million of contaminates for the next 2 days in the city. As this is a prototype, only daily data from the last
year is available.
Which model is MOST likely to provide the best results in Amazon SageMaker?
A. Use the Amazon SageMaker k-Nearest-Neighbors (kNN) algorithm on the single time series consisting of the full year
of data with a predictor_type of regressor.
B. Use Amazon SageMaker Random Cut Forest (RCF) on the single time series consisting of the full year of data.
C. Use the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm on the single time series consisting of the full year of data with
a predictor_type of regressor.
D. Use the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm on the single time series consisting of the full year of data with
a predictor_type of classifier.
Answer: C
Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/build-a-model-to-predict-the-impact-of-weather-on-urban-air-quality-
using-amazon-sagemaker/? ref=Welcome.AI
Question: 60
A large mobile network operating company is building a machine learning model to predict customers who are likely to unsubscribe
from the service. The company plans to offer an incentive for these customers as the cost of churn is far greater than the cost of the
The model produces the following confusion matrix after evaluating on a test dataset of 100 customers:
Based on the model evaluation results, why is this a viable model for production?
A. The model is 86% accurate and the cost incurred by the company as a result of false negatives is less than the false
B. The precision of the model is 86%, which is less than the accuracy of the model.
C. The model is 86% accurate and the cost incurred by the company as a result of false positives is less than the false
D. The precision of the model is 86%, which is greater than the accuracy of the model.
Answer: A
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