Microsoft MS-740 Questions & Answers

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Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams

Question: 44 Section 1
You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365 that
includes Phone System. All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E3 license.
You plan to configure an auto attendant. The auto attendant will have a nested auto attendant. The nested auto
attendant will be used to provide a second-level menu that the first-level auto attendant can connect calls to depending
on the option selected by the caller.
You need to configure the auto attendants and required resources.
Which of the following actions should you perform?
A. Create two auto attendants then create one resource account.
B. Create one resource account then create two auto attendants.
C. Create two auto attendants then create two resource accounts.
D. Create two resource accounts then create two auto attendants.
Answer: D
Question: 45 Section 1
You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has recently purchased a subscription to
Microsoft 365. All users in the company have a
Microsoft 365 E3 license.
All users in the company use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
The company has a large Sales department. A distribution group named Sales contains all the user accounts of the users
in the Sales department.
You need to create a team in Microsoft Teams for the Sales department users. You want to minimize administrative
effort by creating the Team from the Sales group.
What should you do first?
A. Configure a membership rule for the group.
B. Convert the group to a universal security group.
C. Convert the group to a global security group.
D. Convert the group to an Office 365 group.
Answer: D
Question: 46 Section 1
You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has recently purchased a subscription to
Microsoft 365.
All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E3 license.
You are in the process of configuring Microsoft Teams.
A company security policy states that users must not be able to add apps to Microsoft Teams.
You need to configure Microsoft Teams to meet the security requirement.
What should you configure?
A. The global app permission policy.
B. The global Teams policy.
C. The Org-wide Teams settings.
D. The global app setup policy.
Answer: D
Question: 47 Section 1
You work as a Microsoft 365 Administrator for your company. All users have Microsoft 365 E5 licenses.
All users use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
You upload a custom app to Microsoft Teams. The custom app will be used by all users in the company.
You need to ensure that the custom app appears at the top of the app bar in Microsoft Teams.
Which of the following actions should you perform?
A. Configure the global app setup policy.
B. Create a configuration profile.
C. Configure the global app permission policy.
D. Configure the global Teams policy.
Answer: A
Question: 48 Section 1
You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users
in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
The company has several departments. You have configured a private team for each of the departments.
You configure an additional private team named Managers. The Managers team will contain all departmental
You need to ensure that the Managers team is not viewable in the Suggested Teams list.
What should you do?
A. Modify the member permissions for the Managers team.
B. Configure a new app permission policy.
C. Modify the Team discovery options for the Managers team.
D. Select the Hide option for the Managers team.
Answer: C
Question: 49 Section 1
You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users
in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
All users in the company use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
A developer in the company is developing a custom app to be used in Microsoft Teams.
The developer wants to test the app in Microsoft Teams before releasing the app for use by all company users. The
developer has a .zip file containing an app package for the custom app.
You need to enable the developer to upload the app to Microsoft Teams for testing. The app must available to the
developer only in Microsoft Teams.
What should you do?
A. Modify the global app setup policy.
B. Configure an app setup policy that applies to the developer only.
C. Modify the global app permission policy.
D. Configure an app permission policy that applies to the developer only.
Answer: B
Question: 50 Section 1
You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users
in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
All users in the company use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
Users report that a team has been deleted in Microsoft Teams. The team was available yesterday.
You need to restore the deleted team.
Which tool should you use?
A. The Microsoft Teams admin center
B. The Microsoft Teams client app
C. The Azure Active Directory admin center
D. The Exchange Online admin center
Answer: C

User: Mischa*****

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User: Vadim*****

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User: Praskovy*****

Thanks to the ms-740 exam practice test provided by, I finally achieved my ms-740 certification. I failed this exam on my first attempt, but I knew that it was now or never. I continued to use the official book in conjunction with, and it paid off. This time, I had a solid pass score. Although I found some of the questions to be irrelevant, I was prepared thanks to the comprehensive and focused exam preparation materials provided by
User: Matias*****

Preparing for TROUBLESHOOTING MICROSOFT TEAMS exams can be an arduous task for most applicants, taking months of hard work and dedication. However, I was able to complete my preparation within a day, thanks to the valuable resources provided by The website was a great support to me, and I was able to complete my TROUBLESHOOTING MICROSOFT TEAMS exam quickly and easily. I am truly grateful for their invaluable assistance.
User: Pyotr*****

I have never come across a better IT exam preparation tool than I passed my MS-740 exam with ease, thanks to their real and structured questions that follow the same format as the exam. Not all questions were identical, but most of them were similar enough that studying the materials made it easy to answer correctly during the exam. IT professionals like myself will find very useful and helpful.

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