Magento Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer Questions & Answers

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Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer
Question: 88
A third-party module uses a layout update that changes the template path for a core block from
product/view/addto/compare.phtml of the Magento_Catalog module to custom/view/addto/compare.phtml of your custom
module. The merchant has a customized version of this template in their custom theme.
What is a consequence of this setup?
A. If the custom module is removed, the custom template will no longer apply
B. This setup will throw an IllegalStateException
C. If a preference for the core block is set, the template will no longer apply
D. If another module is installed which also customizes the same core template, the templates will be rendered
Answer: A
Question: 89
How does Magento store customer address attribute values?
A. Customer address is a flat entity, so all values are stored in the customer_address_entity table
B. Customer address is not an entity, so its properties are customer attributes
C. Customer address is an attribute of the customer, so it doesn’t have its own attributes
D. Customer address is an EAV entity, so all values are stored in the customer_address_entity table and related
values tables
Answer: D
Question: 90
You are developing a module and need to add another column to a table introduced by another module
MyCompany_MyModule via db schema.
How do you do that?
A. Create a etc/db_schema.xml file in your module, add the column and run bin/magento setup:upgrade
B. Create a etc/db.xml file in your module, add the column and run bin/magento setup:db-schema:upgrade
C. Run a command: bin/magento setup:db-schema:upgrade

D. Create a etc/db_schema_whitelist.json file in your module, add the column and run bin/magento setup:upgrade
Answer: C
Question: 91
You have to install a new module on the production environment. All the module is adding a new product attribute. You
enabled maintenance mode, copied the module code, run bin/magento setup:upgrade and disabled maintenance mode.
What two risks does this process pose? (Choose two.)
A. It will clean all caches which will cause a performance degradation
B. The new attribute will be invisible on the storefront until the cache is cleaned manually
C. It will void all active sessions
D. It will clean static assets from the pub/static folder
Answer: BC
Question: 92
Magento 2’s architecture uses code to bootstrap a custom module that resides in app/code. What two files are required to
make a module usable? (Choose two.)
A. Helper/Data.php
B. etc/config.xml
C. etc/module.xml
D. registration.php
Answer: CD
Question: 93
Assume that $collection is a new instance of a class that extends
MagentoFrameworkModelResourceModelDbCollectionAbstractCollection, and $ids is an array of ids.
How do you select a list of records from the database where the record ids are in the $ids list?
A. $collection->addFieldToFilter(‘record_id’,[‘in’=>$ids]);
C. $collection->in($ids);
D. $collection->filterIn($ids);
Answer: A
Question: 94
While reviewing a layout file named sales_order_view.xml you notice the element
What is the purpose of this element?
A. Replaces the customer_account handle with sales_order_view
B. Nothing, this element has been deprecated
C. Adds the customer_account handle to the page’s handles list
D. Updates the current page handle to customer_account
Answer: D
Question: 95
How can you access the select query of a collection?
A. You can only access the select query after the collection has been loaded by calling the public method query()
B. It is stored in a protected variable $query and can only be accessed from the inside of a collection class
C. You can get it by using public method getSelect() which returns an instance of MagentoFrameworkDBSelect
D. The select query is not available in the collection class, it will be generated by the MySQL adapter right before
executing a query
Answer: C
Question: 96
You are developing a module MyCompany_StoreInfo to display information about brick and mortar stores on a frontend
page. The displayed information varies based on the country of a given store.
What two elements automatically render their children? (Choose two.)
Answer: BC
Question: 97
What is the connection between product attribute sets and categories?
A. Categories have no connection to product attribute sets, and any product can be assigned to any category
B. Each category is linked to a single product attribute set, and only products from that attribute set are allowed
in the category
C. Each category is linked to a single product attribute set, and only products from that category’s set or any of its
parent categories’ sets are allowed
D. Categories can be connected to multiple product attribute sets, and only products from one of those sets are
allowed in the category
Answer: D
Question: 98
You have created a new section in system configuration under the Catalog tab:
How do you restrict an access to the section using Magento ACL?
Answer: B
Question: 99
A module you are working on needs to send a newsletter to all subscribed customers at predefined intervals.
Which two actions do you take to make sure the newsletter is sent? (Choose two.)
A. Implement MyCompanyMyModuleCronNewsLetterSender::execute and register it in etc/crontab/di.xml
B. Implement MyCompanyMyModuleCronNewsLetterSender::execute and register it in etc/crontab/.xml
C. Make sure bin/magento cron:run is added to the system crontab
D. Register the plugin for MagentoCustomerModelCustomer::authenticate in etc/crontab.xml
Answer: BC
Question: 100
Question: 101
You are setting up a brand new Magento installation for a merchant who is migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2.
Keeping in mind upgradability and the need to customize, which one do you choose?
A. Create a new Magento instance using composer create-project
B. Clone the magento/magento2 GitHub repository
C. Run php bin/magento setup:migrate command
D. Create a new Magento instance by using the bin/magento install command
Answer: C
Question: 102
How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?
A. One shipping address per line item is possible
B. Only one shipping address per order is possible
C. One shipping address per unit of quantity is possible
D. One shipping address per product type is possible
Answer: B
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