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PEGAPCLSA86V2 : Lead System Architect (LSA) Pega Architecture Exam
Pegasystems PEGAPCLSA86V2 Questions & Answers
Full Version: 80 Q&A
Lead System Architect (LSA) Pega Architecture
Question: 39
Ar.mo Corporation is designing an Order Fulfillment application built on an Inventory application. Both applications
reuse a section that displays Part details.
Where do you configure the PartOetails section?
A. In an Inventory ruleset within the Inventory application’s work pool class
B. In an Order Fulfillment luleset within the Order Fulfillment application’s Parts data class
C. In an Enterprise ruleset within the Inventory application’s Paits data class
D. In an Order Fulfillment ruleset within the Order Fulfillment application’s work pool class
Answer: C
Question: 40
Select two ways for queuing an item for a queue p
A. Use the Queue-for-processing method
B. Use Utility smart shape
C. Use Run in Background smart shape
D. Use the Queue for -agent method
Answer: A,C
Question: 41
application ABC defines and creates survey cases based on a customer s profile. a second
application, ABCproxy, is hosted in a cloud environment. the ABC proxy application creates a survey proxy case on
demand from application ABC. The questions contained in the survey case are transferred to the survey proxy case.
customers answer questions on the survey using the ABC proxy application. the completed survey information is
passed back to the survey case created by application ABC. the company wants to use REST services to accomplish
this interface. select and move the three options that are needed to satisfy the requirement to the configuration columns
and place.
Graphical user interface, text, application
Description automatically generated
Question: 42
An application processes stock market trades.
Which two requirement are best implemented by an advanced agent?
A. call a service every day at 5: 00 am to get the marker open and close time, and recird the result
B. Excute a trade cae only after the stock reaches a certain price
C. create a case to audit an account if the customer trade more tha usd9999in a day
D. complete unexecuted trade when the market
Answer: A,D
Question: 43
How do you begin your research to diagnose the cause of the reported performance issue?
A. Look at the performance profile and DB Trace out put from each node.
B. Observe the cluster and node status on the Enterprise Health Console.
C. Review guardrail warnings in the development environment to determine if any rules with warnings moved to
D. Download the alert log file from each node and analyze the contents in the Pega Log Analyzer.
Answer: B
Six weeks after you deliver your application to production, your users report that the application slows down in the
afternoon. The application is almost completely unresponsive for some users shortly after
3:00 P.M. Other users do not experience this problem until later in the day.
You do not have access to the Production environment, but you do have access to AES.
The production environment has three nodes and a load balancer.
You need to resolve this issue because a new division of the organization will start using the application next month.
Question: 44
Given the following classes and properties:
myco-data-shape (abstract)
a page list property .shapes is defined as being of the abstract class myco-data-shape.
select two correct statements. (choose two)
A. a rule defined in myco-data-shape-rectangle can modify the. Color property.B. pages of shapes can contain. length
and. Radius.
B. A rule existing in myco-data-shape can be overridden in myco-data-shape-circle.
C. pages of .Shapes can be of either myco-data-Shape-rectangle or myco-data-shape-circle, but all pages must be the
Answer: B,C
Question: 45
You are configuring the container settings of a display a title. The title is based on the type of loan requested
Answer: check the answer below.
Question: 46
An application include two case types: expense report and purchase requests which two steps are required to enable
support for both case type for offline user on a mobile device?
A. Configure the application record to enable offline access
B. Configure the user’s access group to enable offline access.
C. configure both case type to enable offline access
D. Configure the application to build a custom mobile app
Answer: B,C
Question: 47
XYZ Corp requires employees to designate alternate operators to perform their work while they are on vacation. Work
vacationing operators should be visible to alternate operators.
How do you configure the application to handle this requirement?
A. Add a ValueList Property to Data Admin-Operator-ID. Alternate operators add vacationing persons to their
ValueList. Modify the Assign Worklist report definition to include this ValueList. Modify security accordingly to
allow access.
B. Modify the user portal to only display team members for which the operator has been
designated an alternate. Clicking on an operator displays that operator’s worklist. Assignments are opened accordingly.
C. Define a custom Access When rule named pxAssignedToMeOr Alternate. Modify the pyUserWorkList Report
Definition using this rule to display every Assign-Worklist assignment within the WorkGroup.
D. Develop an agent that transfers worklist assignments from the operator going on vacation, when that vacation starts,
to the alternate operator. When vacation ends, transfer uncompleted assignments back.
Answer: B
Question: 48
XYZ corp expects managers to create a variety of reports. Those reports are always based on the same set of classes,
but every report does not use every class in the set.
to simplify report creation for managers, you create________________________
A. numerous sample reports showing how to join the classes
B. association rules for the classes in this set
C. a template report with every class join predefined
D. a declare trigger that restricts report class joins to this set
Answer: B
Question: 49
A pega application has cases that represent customer accounts each with many members.
When a member of a customer account registers with the application through an offline component, a related
registration transaction is recorded. An advanced agent updates the customer account cases with new members. The
application is running in a multimode system and advanced agents are enabled on all nodes.
Which two elements are valid design choices? (choose two)
A. Use the optimistic locking option on the case types.
B. Create a Registration subcase configured to run in offline mode.
C. Leverage the default object lock contention requeuing capability.
D. Override DetermineLockString to use .AccountID instead of .pyID as the lock string.
Answer: B,C
Question: 50
Which two actions can yon perform to improve the guardrails compliance score of an application? (Choose
A. Ensure keyed data classes are not mapped to pr-other where possible.
B. Convert activities that only retrieve data to data transforms that invoke data pages.
C. Achieve a higher application level test coverage percentage score.
D. Increase the percentage of unit tests and scenario tests that pass.
Answer: A,B
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