Pegasystems PEGAPCSA85V1 Questions & Answers

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Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) version 8.5
Question: 48
How do you route an assignment so that any available member of the department can perform the task?
A . Route the assignment to a work list.
B . Route the assignment to the admin user I
D . Route the assignment separately to all members.
E . Route the assignment to a work queue.
Answer: D
Question: 49
In an application that sells office supplies, the Payment view displays order items and collects payment information. In
the Payment section rule, the order items are grouped in a dynamic layout. You find out later that the Order Summary
view must also display the order items.
How do you configure the UI so that the order items display is shared between the Payment view and Order Summary
A . Convert the Payment section layout that contains order items to a section, and embed this section in the Order
Summary section.
B . Build the Order Summary section with a layout inside to group the order items, similar to the Payment section.
C . Embed the Payment section in the Order Summary section.
D . Reuse the Payment section in the Order Summary view and use a disable when condition to disable payment
information on the Payment section rule.
Answer: D
Question: 50
User A should have application permissions that are identical to User B’s permissions. Unlike User B, User A lacks
access to the My Cases page.
How do you grant access to the My Cases page for User A?
A . Update User A to the same role as User
C . Add the My Cases page to the User A profile.
D . Update the User A account to access the same portal as User
F . Add the My Cases page to the User A role.
Answer: A
Question: 51
A manager requests a report that contains the following columns: Create Date, Case ID, Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the cases so the case with the most recent create date appears at the top of the list and descends
in order.
How do you design the report definition to support this requirement?
A . Add a filter condition where Create Date is greater than the current date.
B . Make the Create Date the first column in the report.
C . Select Highest to Lowest sort type for Create Date.
D . Select Lowest to Highest sort type for Create Date.
Answer: C
Question: 52
A purchase request list report includes columns for case ID and regional cost center. A manager wants the report to
show the total number of purchase requests for each of the regional cost centers.
How do you configure the report definition?
A . Summarize the regional cost centers by count.
B . Create a filter for each cost center and count the case IDs.
C . Summarize the case ID column by count.
D . Define a function for the cost center column to total the case IDs.
Answer: C
Question: 53
A customer refund case type requires that an auditor receives an email notification if the refund is greater than twice
the price of the item.
Which participant role do you select to configure this requirement?
A . Customer
B . Interested individual
C . Owner
D . Work queue
Answer: D
Question: 54
Select each security implementation on the left and drag it to the corresponding security policies.


Question: 55
Hospital staff members enter appointment details including relevant patient information, diagnoses, lab orders, and
prescribed medication. This information is aggregated in the Patient visit summary view. The patient receives a copy
of this view through email.
Which two configurations, when applied in combination, achieve this behavior? (Choose Two)
A . Add a Create PDF automation that references the Patient visit summary view.
B . Add a Send Email step and enable the option to include attachments.
C . Add a Send Email step and compose the message to reference the relevant properties.
D . Enable email notifications on the case type.
Answer: AC
Question: 56
Users can select a check box to subscribe to a text messaging service. Selecting the check box displays a field for a
user to enter a mobile phone number.
How do you configure the application to display a field for entering a mobile phone number only when the check box
is selected?
A . Use a when condition in a data transform to determine whether to show the mobile phone number field.
B . Use a when condition in the flow to branch the flow based on case data.
C . Use a circumstance on the check box property to create a rule variant that is effective when the check box is
D . Use a when condition in the UI form to determine whether to show the mobile phone number field.
Answer: D
Question: 57
In an insurance claim application, you have the following requirement: All claims must be resolved within 1 week. To
meet this requirement you configure a service level.
Where should the service level be configured?
A . The process
B . The stage
C . The case type
D . The step
Answer: C

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