Salesforce Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator Questions & Answers

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Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator
Question: 35
Which three media types can an admin attach to a Product?
A. Thumbnails
B. Product List Images
C. Videos
D. Attachments
E. Product Detail Images
Answer: B,D,E
Question: 36
Which two statements are true when upgrading Salesforce B2B Commerce from Release A to Release B? Choose 2
A. Take a backup of all your Salesforce B2B Commerce data, since all data is most likely to get erased during the
B. Salesforce B2B Commerce upgrades do not touch data in Salesforce B2B Commerce objects
C. Salesforce B2B Commerce upgrades ONLY replaces and adds to Managed Package Meta Data already installed.
D. Take a backup of all the Salesforce B2B Commerce extensions, since most likely all the extensions are going to be
Answer: B,C
Question: 37
Which two actions are needed to make a Currency availableto a Storefront?
A. Add the currencies to available currencies in Setup
B. Enable the currency in the org
C. Add the new Currency Under setup in ‘Supported Currencies’
D. Add the currency to available currencies in the Store Administration
Answer: D
Question: 38
What is the "Show in Menu" attribute used for?
A. To remove the Category from displaying in the Nav Menu
B. To Deactivate the category from the entire storefront experience.
C. To remove the Category from the facet results.
D. To remove the Category from the facet results and the Nav Menu
Answer: A
Question: 39
What is the fastest way to deploy and activate a sample B2B storefront?
A. Deploy with a fresh dev org and import data
B. Publish and Activate Site and Skip Search
C. Deploy with sample data right after store creation
D. Complete productimport, configure relationships
Answer: C
Question: 40
What two optionsare available for a Product Class?
A. Variation Parent Product
B. Basic Product
C. Expansion Product
D. Variation Product
Answer: A,D
Question: 41
Which Org preference needs to be enabled in order to see the Order Summary object in Object Manager?
A. There is no action to take. Order Summary access is automatically enabled.
B. Person Accounts for Shoppers
C. Enhanced Commerce Orders
D. Person Accounts
Answer: C
Question: 42
Which is a workspace in the Commerce App?
A. Content Management
B. Commerce Reports
C. Product
D. Search
Answer: C
Question: 43
How many Stores can use the Same Catalog?
A. No Limit
B. 5.0
C. 3.0
D. 2.0
Answer: A
Question: 44
How can an administrator categorize a Variant Product?
A. Assign the Variant Product directly to the Category
B. Assign the Entitlement Policy to the Category
C. Assign the Price book Policy to the Category
D. Assign the Variant Parent Product directly to the Category
Answer: A
Question: 45
What step can a Buyer take to initiate the checkout process in a storefront on B2B commerce?
A. Click add all items in the wishlist
B. Click the checkout button onthe cart page
C. Click the next button on the checkout tile
D. Submit a PO (Purchase Order) for manual approval
Answer: B
Question: 46
How many Catalogs can an admin assign to a single store?
A. 5.0
B. 1.0
C. 3.0
D. 2.0
Answer: B
Question: 47
Which two records must an administrator load individually in the Commerce App?
A. Stores
B. Catalogs
C. Pricing
D. Products
Answer: C,D
Question: 48
Which two statements are true regarding the proper setup of subscriptions?
Choose 2 answers
A. There must be two CC pricelist items for each subscription, the upfront cost and recurring price.
B. A business user can define a standard product and SubProdTerm can be defined to enable a customer to purchase a
C. The storefront associated with the SPT will provide the entitlement needed to display the subscription in the catalog
for the given customer.
D. Only one SPTs can be defined ‘or a subscription.
Answer: A,C
Question: 49
After updating a Page Label record, which action is required to see those changes reflected in a storefront?
A. Rebuild and activate Configuration Cache in CC Admin > Global Settings> Configuration Cache Management.
B. Deactivate and Activate the storefront community.
C. Clear browser Cache on the computer.
D. Refresh Page Label Cache in CC Admin > Global Settings > Indexing.
Answer: D
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