Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Advanced-Administrator Questions & Answers

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Certified Advanced Administrator

Question: 89
Universal Containers wants to ensure that the following opportunity fields are present on each record at the
negotiation/review or won stages:
Amount (Currency) us populated.
The Ready to Close (Checkbox) must also be true.
Which validation rule error condition should the administrator configure to meet these requirements?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: C
Question: 90
A change set that has already been submitted for deployment is missing a component.
What can you do in order to correct the issue? * (1 Point)
A. Deploy the change set and then submit another change set for deployment
B. Edit the change set, deactivate it and then add the missing component
C. Create another change set containing all components and deploy it
D. Clone the change set. edit the components and deploy it
Answer: D
Question: 91
An administrator at Universal Containers has been asked by the compliance team to understand end track various
sensitivity levels for its data In Salesforce. The administrator has enabled Data Classification end configured
appropriate sensitivity levels. The compliance team would Ike a report showing field level sensitivity and
What should the administrator recommend?
A. Run the standard Data Classification report.
B. Create a custom Entity Definition and Held Definitions report type.
C. Use the Data Classification Metadata list view.
D. Configure a custom Data Classification and Metadata report type.
Answer: D
Question: 92
Sales management wants to enforce a process in which the name of an account is always included in the name of an
How can automation be used to help meet this requirement?
A. Use approval process that routes newly created opportunities to management for data quality review.
B. Use an Apex Trigger on the Account object that adds the account name to the opportunity name.
C. Write a criteria-based workflow rule that updates the opportunity name concatenated with the account name.
D. Write a validation rule that updates the opportunity name with the account name using a cross-object formula.
Answer: C
Question: 93
Universal containers would like to ensure that when an opportunity stage is closed lost the reason is captured in a
custom reason lost field before the record can be saved.
What is the recommended approach to meet this requirement?
A. Create a trigger that requires reason lost to be populated once the opportunity stage is closed lost.
B. Create a workflow rule that fires on the closed lost stage and populates the reason lost field.
C. Create a page layout for closed lost opportunities and make reason lost a required field.
D. Create a validation rule that requires reason lost to be populated once the opportunity stage is closed lost.
Answer: D
Question: 94
An administrator at Cloud Kicks has enabled Territory Management and is setting up a territory model. Some users in
a territory need to access Contacts and Opportunities related to the Account.
Which two capabilities are available for users in a territory? Choose 2 answers
A. View and Edit
B. View. Edit, Transfer, Delete
C. View and Transfer
D. View Only
Answer: B,C
Question: 95
AW Computing it running a special bundle deal on monitors and keyboards. Normally, discounts need VP approval,
but this special bundle is pre-approved.
What should the administrator recommend for these requirements?
A. Create a separate price book.
B. Implement CP
D. Remove the approval process.
E. Enable Subscriptions.
Answer: B
Question: 96
Cloud Kicks needs to automate several updates to lead records and update unrelated records. Select changes should
happen every time a record is created or updated, Put other changes should only happen when the record is updated.
Which two options should the administrator use to automate these updates? Choose 2 answers
A. Use a Decision element with the "Only if the record that triggered the flow to run is updated to meet the condition
requirements" option.
B. Create a Process Builder that runs when a record is changed.
C. Create a flow that runs when a record is created or updated.
D. Use "formula evaluates to true" workflow rule with the ISCHANCEO function to make changes when the record Is
Answer: A,C
Question: 97
Which two types of data should a sales representative access from the Forecasts tab when using Collaborative
Forecasts? Choose 2 answers.
A. Opportunities that make up each forecast amount
B. Forecast amount for each opportunity stage
C. Forecast amount for each forecast category
D. Forecast amount for other representatives on their team
Answer: B,C
Question: 98
The support operations team has noticed some Invalid data In the custom Primary issue picklist field on case records.
They are unsure of what the issue is since the field is being updated by an automated procedure and there Is a
validation rule to ensure clean data on case records.
Why arc records being updated with data that violates the validation rule?
A. The data change Is triggered by an update record Flow element.
B. The field is being updated by a workflow field update.
C. The field is being updated by an Apex before trigger.
D. The user has the Modify All Data permission on the object.
Answer: B
Question: 99
An administrator has found a free app on the AppExchanged and would like to install it.
Which three items should the administrator take to consideration before installed he managed package? Choose 3
A. Custom objects and custom fields used by the app count against the org’s limits.
B. Managed apps do not undergo a formal security review by Salesforce.
C. Apps may require certain Salesforce editions or features to be enabled.
D. Apps may require external, third-party web services to function properly.
E. Apps must be installed in production before the app can be installed in a sandbox.
Answer: C,D,E
Question: 100
Select power users want the ability to make configuration changes to a specific custom object.
What tool should the administrator assign to the power users to enable this?
A. View Setup and Configuration
B. Delegated Administration
C. Sharing Rule
D. Modify All Data
Answer: B

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