Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Business-Analyst Questions & Answers

Full Version: 236 Q&A

Salesforce Certified Business Analyst
Question: 88
A business analyst (BA) at Northern Trail Outfitters has been asked to prepare documentation including acceptance
criteria and definition of done for a Heroku project.
Which way should the BA approach creation of this documentation?
A. Include the personal perspective for acceptance criteria and the overall perspective for definition of done.
B. Create one consolidated set of documentation as the two terms are synonymous and used interchangeably.
C. Include the overall perspective for acceptance criteria and the persona’s perspective for definition of done.
Answer: A
Question: 89
A business analyst (BA) working on a Service Cloud implementation is reviewing user stories to verify they are
written effectively.
What should the BA confirm about the user stories when completing this review?
A. They contain substantial details and focus on technical elements.
B. They are dependent on related acceptance criteria and overlap with other use cases.
C. They can be easily prioritized and are small enough to estimate accurately.
Answer: C
Question: 90
The business analyst (BA) at Universal Containers needs to gather information for their project including the steps a
user takes to accomplish a goal, challenges a user faces, people the user interacts with, applications they use to
complete the steps, and their level of morale as they move through the process.
Which elicitation technique should the BA use?
A. journey Mapping
B. Survey /Questionnaire
C. Focus Groups
Answer: A
Question: 91
Universal Containers is focused on an initiative to streamline its channel management processes. Due to the level of
complexity, the business analyst (BA) will gather and document the key points in preparation to build a more detailed
process map.
Which diagram should the BA use in this case?
A. SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers)
B. Capability Model
C. Value Stream Map
Answer: A
Question: 92
The Sen/ice Center at Universal Containers (UC) uses Service Cloud and Experience Cloud to manage its customer
case lifecycle. UC wants to limit the number of interactions a customer has during the lifecycle. The project leader has
asked the business analyst (BA) to visually illustrate the lifecycle.
Which document should the BA create?
A. Journey Map
B. Heat Map
C. Process Map
Answer: C
Question: 93
The project team at Universal Containers has started to review the existing Salesforce manufacturing solution that has
low adoption and a variety of customization including custom objects, custom fields, renamed standard fields.
What should the business analyst recommend to the project team to increase understanding when documenting
requirements, process and potential solutions?
A. Use customer terminology and language.
B. Use industry terminology and language.
C. Use Salesforce terminology and language.
Answer: B
Question: 94
From where can an Admin unlock a user?
A. Setup > Locked Users > Unlock
B. Users > Select user > Unlock
C. Setup > Object Manager > Users > Select User > Unlock
D. Users > Logins > Unlock Users
Answer: B
Question: 95
From where can an Admin unlock a user?
A. Setup > Locked Users > Unlock
B. Users > Select user > Unlock
C. Setup > Object Manager > Users > Select User > Unlock
D. Users > Logins > Unlock Users
Answer: B
Question: 96
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) plans to significantly grow its workforce and wants to increase the overall security of
its Sales Cloud instance. NTO has previously implemented a complex security solution with organization wide
defaults, criteria-based sharing rules, and dozens of user profiles. NTO has asked a business analyst (0A) for
recommendations on how to proceed.
Which aspect of a potential solution is most important for a BA to consider?
A. User adoption
B. Scalability
C. System downtime
Answer: A
Question: 97
Universal Containers wants the ability to fill out a survey based on customer feedback. The team is unable to visualize
a possible solution in order to confirm the requirements.
Which elicitation technique should the business analyst use to help the team meet its goal?
A. Prototyping
B. Brainstorming
C. Observation
Answer: A
Question: 98
One retail location of Cloud Kicks has been getting complaints from shoppers about being unable to find items in the
store. The general manager has asked IT to configure tablets for the sales clerks so they can move freely around the
store to assist customers.
The IT team writes a functional requirement:
• Tablets running the Salesforce mobile app must allow users to access store inventory records which include current
item count and item location.
Which user story should the business analyst write to describe the functional requirement?
A. As a sales clerk, I want to see item availability and locations to help customers find items.
B. As a general manager, I want sales clerks to have tablets so they can help customers find items.
C. As a customer, I want sales clerks to have access to item availability to help them find items.
Answer: A
Question: 99
The development team at Universal Containers is reviewing several stories to be added to the current sprint. The team
is having trouble with a particular story about an Opportunity email alert and is unsure about which type of testing is
What should the business analyst review and revise to provide more clarity to the team?
A. Definition of done
B. User persona
C. Acceptance criteria
Answer: C
Question: 100
From where can an Admin unlock a user?
A. Setup > Locked Users > Unlock
B. Users > Select user > Unlock
C. Setup > Object Manager > Users > Select User > Unlock
D. Users > Logins > Unlock Users
Answer: B
Question: 101
From where can an Admin unlock a user?
A. Setup > Locked Users > Unlock
B. Users > Select user > Unlock
C. Setup > Object Manager > Users > Select User > Unlock
D. Users > Logins > Unlock Users
Answer: B
Question: 102
Universal Containers (UC) has decided to implement Salesforce and has assigned a business analyst (BA) to write user
stories for the project. The BA plans to meet customer to their experience in their own words.
Which type of research should the BA use to elicit user stories from UC’s customers?
A. Shadowing
B. Interviewing
C. Behavioral
Answer: B
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