Salesforce Salesforce-Data-Cloud Questions & Answers

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Salesforce Data Cloud Accredited Professional
Question: 20
Which operator can be used to create a segment for a birthday campaign that is evaluated daily?
A. Is This Year
B. Is Anniversary Of
C. Is Between
D. Is Birthday
Answer: B
This operator can be used to create a segment for a birthday campaign that is evaluated daily. It compares a date
attribute to the current date and returns true if they have the same month and day,
regardless of the year.
Reference: ype=5
Question: 21
What is a unique requirement of a Streaming Insight query?
A. A dimension
B. A measurement
C. A window function
D. A WHERE clause
Answer: C
A window function is a unique requirement of a Streaming Insight query. It defines the time interval for the query to
run on the streaming data and the frequency of the query execution.
Question: 22
Which three options can be used to build a filter in the Segmentation Canvas?
A. Data Lake Objects
B. Streaming Insights
C. Calculated Insights
D. Related Attributes
E. Direct Attributes
Answer: A,B,C,E
A window function is a unique requirement of a Streaming Insight query. It defines the time interval for the query to
run on the streaming data and the frequency of the query execution.
Question: 23
Which method should an administrator use when performing aggregations in windows of 15 minutes on data collected
via the Interactions SDK and Mobile SDK?
A. Activation
B. Segment
C. Streaming Insight
D. Calculated Insight
Answer: C
This method should be used when performing aggregations in windows of 15 minutes on data collected via the
Interactions SDK and Mobile SDK. Streaming Insight allows you to query and aggregate data from real-time streams
using window functions.
Question: 24
The leadership team at Cumulus Financial has declared that customers who have deposited more than $250,000 in the
last 5 years and who are not using advisory services, will be the central focus for all new campaigns in the next year.
Which two features support this need?
A. Calculated Insight
B. Report|
C. Segment
D. Dashboard
Answer: A,C
These two features support the need to calculate each customerâs lifetime value (LTV) and create breakdowns of the
revenue sourced by different channels. Calculated Insight allows you to create complex calculations based on stored
data, such as LTV. Segment allows you to create audiences based on different criteria, such as revenue source.
Question: 25
Which feature can integrate in real time with Salesforce CRM?
A. Data Actions
B. Identity Resolution
C. CRM Starter Bundle
D. Data Model Triggers
Answer: A
This feature can integrate in real time with Salesforce CRM. Data Actions allow you to perform
actions on Salesforce CRM records based on Data Cloud data, such as creating, updating, or deleting
Question: 26
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to be able to calculate each customer's lifetime value (LTV) but also create breakdowns
of the revenue sourced by website, mobile app, and retail channels.
How should this use case be addressed in Data Cloud?
A. Nested segments
B. Flow orchestration
C. Streaming data transformations
D. Metrics on metrics
Answer: D
Question: 27
The website team at Cumulus Financial Services wants to understand which identified users have browsed the jobs
page on their website at least twice within the last 12 hours.
Which component should a consultant recommend to achieve this goal?
A. Streaming Insight
B. Calculated Insight
C. Streaming Data Transformation
D. Segment
Answer: A
This component should be recommended to achieve the goal of understanding which identified
users have browsed the jobs page on their website at least twice within the last 12 hours. Streaming
Insight allows you to query and filter data from real-time streams using window functions and
aggregation functions.
Question: 28
What is allowed when editing a Calculated Insight?
A. Removing existing measures
B. Adding new measures
C. Adding new dimensions
D. Removing existing dimensions
Answer: B
You can add new measures or dimensions to a Calculated Insight by selecting them from the available attributes list
Question: 29
Which three actions can be applied to a previously created segment?
A. Reactivate
B. Export
C. Delete
D. Copy
E. Inactivate
Answer: A,B,C,D
These three actions can be applied to a previously created segment. You can export a segment to a
CSV file, delete a segment from Data Cloud, or copy a segment to create a duplicate segment with
the same criteria.
Question: 30
What are the two minimum requirements needed when using the Visual Insights Builder to create a Calculated Insight?
A. WHERE clause is required
B. At least two objects to join
C. At least one dimension
D. At least one measure
Answer: A,C,D
These two requirements are needed when using the Visual Insights Builder to create a Calculated
Insight. A dimension is an attribute that can be used to group or filter data, such as product category
or customer segment. A measure is an attribute that can be used to perform calculations, such as
revenue or quantity.

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