Salesforce Salesforce-Loyalty-Management Questions & Answers

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Salesforce Loyalty Management
Question: 1
The Member Services team wants to view the information of a memberâs recent transactions and manual adjustments
on the Contact record.
What are the two recommendations that an IT Administrator should suggest?
A. Embed the âMember Summary Embedded Dashboard on the Contact record
B. Embed the Member Service Manager Home Dashboard on the Contact record
C. Add the âTransaction Journalsâ related list to the Contact record
D. Add the âView Member Profileâ component on the Contact record
Answer: A,D
Question: 2
What are the three required steps in settings up Loyalty promotion with Salesforce CDP and Marketing Cloud?
A. Send Loyalty Promotion Segments to marketing Cloud
B. Automatically Add a New Individual Relationship
C. Activating and Publishing the Segment
D. Enable Connector Settings on all the Loyalty Objects
E. Enable Service Connector for Promotion Escalations.
Answer: A,C,D
Question: 3
Cloud kicks wants to identify specific tier members to be used for a journey within Marketing Cloud. The company
wants to encourage Loyalty Tier B customers to become Loyalty Tier A customers.
What objects must be synchronized into Marketing Cloud to achieve the segmentation for this audience.
A. Contact, Account, and Opportunity
B. Contact, Member Rewards Tier, and Loyalty Member Tier and Campaign
C. Voucher Definition, products, and Loyalty Member Tier
D. Contact Loyalty Program Member, and Loyalty Member Tier
Answer: D
Question: 4
Which two features below are supported in the reference integration between Loyalty and Commerce Cloud?
A. Loyalty membership merge
B. Loyalty member profile
C. Loyalty member enrollment
D. Resetting tier points
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 5
Universal Container sells sports shoes through on eCommerce system. The Loyalty Program Members earn points in
real-time with every purchase made.
How can this be built into Salesforce?
A. Download an app from the AppExchange to connect Salesforce and the external system.
B. Create customer web service with Order Object
C. Create an schedule process to call the external system.
D. Create with the external system to create Transaction Journals.
Answer: D
Question: 6
What is a business use case for integrating Marketing Cloud Personalization with Loyalty Management?
A. To enable the purchasing of products and take payment.
B. To create unified profile from multiple source of truth and build a golden record.
C. To be able to send personalized marketing emails in batches.
D. To offer promotions in real-time to customers.
Answer: D
Question: 7
What two fields are attributed to a Loyalty Program entity in the Salesforce Customer Data Platform?
A. Created Date
B. Last Modified Date
C. Current Member Count
D. Reporting Enabled (Boolean)
Answer: A,B
Question: 8
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to show member information in its member portal hosted outside of Salesforce.
What is a prerequisite for using Loyalty APIs to fetch the member information?
A. Create custom objects in Loyalty
B. Create a Connected App in Platform
C. Create customer integration code
D. Create Data Processing jobs
Answer: B
Question: 9
A loyalty Program would like to set up a new process where a push notification or email will be sent to the client
immediately after a voucher is added to their member account within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
The notification message will require the âfirst nameâ and the âmembership numberâ to personalize the message and, a
custom object named âvoucher issuedâ with the necessary data attributes.
Which option for the entry event should be selected as the preferred implementation approach that can meet the
requirements with the least amount of development effort?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 10
A Customer Support Manager noticed that the customers support teamâs performance decreased since the company
rolled out the Loyalty Program. The customer Support Agents complain that finding information about the Loyalty
Program Member takes a lot of the time.
What is the standard solution to display the information regarding the Loyalty?
Program Member on the case detail page?
A. Create formula fields on Case Object
B. Create a Screen Flow
C. Embed Loyalty Member Profile Cards
D. Develop a custom component
Answer: C
Question: 11
Universal Container have a points-based Loyalty Program and a B2C commerce website built with a Commerce built
with a Commerce Cloud solution; the clients orders are already synchronized with Loyalty Management. With the
every purchase, Loyalty members will earn points. The Directory wants to have traceability of every order transaction
on the Loyalty Management app.
What does the Salesforce Administrator have to do?
A. Use standard Order Lookup on the Loyalty Ledger object
B. Create a custom text field in Transaction Journal object to save the order purchased by the client.
C. Use the standard Order Lookup of the Transaction Journal Object
D. Create a custom Lookup field in Transaction Journal object to save the order purchased by the Loyalty member.
Answer: C
Question: 12
What is the most efficient way to automatically reset qualifying points for high volume Loyalty Programs?
A. The reset period is defined at the Tier Group level; Loyalty Management will automatically process it every night to
ensure efficient point calculation
B. Use the out-of-the-box âReset Qualifying Pointsâ data processing engine and trigger its execution using, for
instance, a Schedule-Triggered Flow.
C. Create Schedule-Triggered Flow that to be executed every night This flow will scan the expired reset Period at the
Group Level and rese the points using the out-of-the-box Reset point flow action
D. Develop an Apex Time Trigger to scan all Member Currencies and reset Qualifying points every time a reset period
has expire
Answer: B
Question: 13
Universal container launched a Loyalty Program. The salesforce Administrator toâŠ.. to create a private portal for the
Loyalty Program.
What is the last step the Salesforce Administrator must complete?
A. Associate the Loyalty Program with the site
B. Activate the Experience Cloud site
C. Add the relevant Experience Cloud components to the pages
D. Create the Experience Cloud site
Answer: B
Question: 14
A Consultant will need to create a new voucher definition for a new voucher, wherever the new voucher has the
A total of two vouchers will be issued to the member.
The first voucher has a face value of $100, and the second voucher has a face value of $200.
Both vouchers must be used within three months after the first voucherâs disbursement date.
The first voucher will be issued to the members over a period of a month.
Which voucher definition settings will fulfill the new voucherâs requirements?
A. Type: Fixed valued, Expiration Type: Period, Expiration Period: 3, expiration Period Unit Month, Face Value:
$300, Partial Redeemable: Checked
B. Type: Fixed valued, Expiration Type: Period, Expiration Period: 3, expiration Period Unit Month, Face Value: $300,
Partial Redeemable: Unchecked
C. Type: Fixed valued, Expiration Type: Period, Expiration Period: 90, expiration Period Unit Month, Face Value:
$300, Partial Redeemable: Checked
D. Type: Fixed valued, Expiration Type: Period, Expiration Period: 3, expiration Period Unit Month, Face Value:
$300, Partial Redeemable: Unchecked
Answer: A
Question: 15
The Loyalty Administrator for Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) insider program defines tier groups-Status Tier Group
with a Fixed model and period of one year.
The three tier are defined =Silver (base), Golden (next tier), and Platinum (the highest tier)
Extend Expiration for this tier group is Qualifying Points Reset Date.
A member joins NTO insider in the Silver tier and, after a year of engagement, gets upgraded to the Gold tier on
March 16 2023.
Which date would be the new Expiry date or this member after the tier is upgraded to Gold?
A. December 31, 2024
B. March 31 2024
C. December 31, 2023
D. March 16, 2020.
Answer: B

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