Salesforce Salesforce-OmniStudio-Developer Questions & Answers

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Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer
Question: 26
A developer creates a DataRaptor Extract to retrieve data to pass to an external service. The external service expects
the field value to be integer. However, the DataRaptor is sending it as a string.
Which action can the developer take to fix this?
A. In the DataRaptor Output tab, select the Output Data Type of that field to Integer.
B. In the DataRaptor Output tab, enter the default value as 0 on the field.
C. In the DataRaptor Extract tab, set the Input Data Type field to Integer.
D. In the DataRaptor Formula tab, define a formula using the function TOINTEGER and use the formula as output.
Answer: A
Question: 27
Why would a developer clone an Integration Procedure instead of versioning it?
A. The new Integration Procedure uses a Cache Block.
B. The new Integration Procedure it replacing stub data.
C. The new Integration Procedure will be used independently
D. The new Integration Procedure is Chainable.
Answer: C
Question: 28
A developer needs to build a multi-step intake form. Each step must allow the user to cancel the intake at any time.
The developer is using an LWC OmniScript to build the form.
How should the developer implement the cancel functionality for all steps using the LWC OmniScript Designer?
A. Check the Enable Cancel checkbox in the Setup tab under Cancel Options.
B. Add a navigation Action inside each step and set the Component name to ‘’Cancel’’,
C. Add a navigation Action outside each step and set the Element Name to ‘’Cancel’’,
D. Add a navigation Action inside each step and set the Element Name to ‘’Cancel’’,
Answer: A
Question: 29
What OmniStudio tool pre-populates the data m a PDF used by an OmniScript?
A. A SOQL Query
B. A DataRaptor Load
C. A DataRaptor Extract
D. A DataRaptor Transform
Answer: D
Question: 30
A developer needs to retrieve data from an external system that stores policy data. The external system supports REST
APIs to access and update the policies. Due to the volume of the policy data and peak hours of business, calls to the
REST APIs sometimes take longer than expected to respond.
The developer creates an Integration Procedure to retrieve the policy data for use in an OmniScript.
Given the external system’s known performance issues, which two configurations should be used to implement the call
to the external system? Choose 2 answers
A. Set the Timeout property on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure
B. Check the Chainable checkbox on the Integration Procedure Action in the OmniScript
C. Configure a Remote action with timeout settings of 120000
D. Check the Chain On Step checkbox on the HTTP Action in the Integration Procedure
Answer: A,C

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