NetSuite SuiteFoundation Questions & Answers

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NetSuite SuiteFoundation
Question: 33
What Subscription Status should the Administrator select so that customers receive email campaigns?
A. Hard Opt-in
B. Soft Opt-in
C. Hard Subscribe
D. Subscribe
Answer: B
Question: 34
Which statement is true about using Quick Accept in Event records?
A. Quick Accept can be performed through the Calendar portlet.
B. Enable the Quick Accept preference under Setup > Activities > Calendar Preferences.
C. The Event record should be in Edit mode to perform Quick Accept.
D. The Quick Accept button provides users an option to mark events as Tentative or Accepted.
Answer: C
Question: 35
When using the Global Search to find records, how can users display inactive records in the search results?
A. Re-activate the record so that it appears in the Global Search results set.
B. Change the Display Type on the record.
C. Prefix the search keyword with the correct record type (for example, “cu” for Customer).
D. Enable the user preference Include Inactives In Global & Quick Search.
Answer: D
Question: 36
Which portlet shows a graphical representation of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data?
A. Key Performance Indicators
B. KPI Meter
C. KPI Scorecard
D. Trend Graphs
Answer: D
Question: 37
Which statement is true about access levels for NetSuite permissions?
A. The Create access level allows editing records.
B. The Edit access level does not allow deleting records.
C. The Partial access level allows editing but not creating records.
D. The View access level does not allow printing records.
Answer: B
Question: 38
Which feature provides information about a specific field and can be accessed while ending or viewing a record? The
Internal ID of the field can also be seen here.
A. Help Guide
B. Help
C. Field Description
D. Field Level Help
Answer: D
Question: 39
Which Select All checkbox under the Audience subtab defaults to checked when a Saved Search is set to Public?
A. Roles
B. Employees
C. Partners
D. Subsidiaries
Answer: A
Question: 40
What kind of custom field can Administrators create to add a column on the Item sublist of Sales Orders?
A. Custom Transaction Body fields
B. Custom Transaction Line fields
C. Custom Item fields
D. Custom Transaction Item options
Answer: B

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