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PSK-I : Professional Scrum with Kanban level I Exam
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Exam Code : PSK-I
Exam Name : Professional Scrum with Kanban level I
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Professional Scrum with Kanban level I
on: 41
False: Scrum Events, Scrum Team Accountabilities, and Scrum Artifacts are augmented when using Sc anban. For example, having a clear indicator of the age of active Sprint Backlog items may help the Scr uring the Daily Scrum, helping them to better Inspect and Adapt their daily work.
r: A ation:
Kanban to Scrum provides a technique to help the Scrum Team focus on driving a continuous flow of activity not negate value provided by the Scrum Events, Scrum Artifacts, and Scrum Team Accountabilities. H
ased metrics/charts & forecasts may get added to Scrum Events as per the Kanban Guide for Scrum Tea
on: 42
False: Work Item Age is a leading indicator for the length of the Scrum Team’s feedback loop for that
s) item.
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Answer: A
If an item is aging quite a bit it is certainly an indication that its Cycle Time will be high. Cycle Time throughout the Scrum Team’s definition of Workflow can also be considered the length of the team’s feedback loop.
Question: 43
In the middle of a Sprint, a Product Owner has requested the Developers to add a new urgent item to their Sprint Backlog. The team is currently at their WIP Limit.
Which would be the two most appropriate responses? (choose the two best answers)
Reject the urgent item because the WIP Limits do not allow it. Tell the Product Owner to wait until the next Sprint.
Add the urgent item to their Sprint Backlog but only start working on that new item when enough room frees up.
Take on the urgent item as an exception to the WIP Limits, pushing this item along on top of the existing flow and note a WIP exception.
Adjust the WIP Limits to allow for taking on the extra item and update their definition of Workflow.
an item is pulled into the Sprint Backlog, the Developers need to figure out whether they can actually st way. This depends on the WIP limits and the current WIP. If the team is at their WIP limit they shouldn’ ew item until some room frees up. If their backlog items are pretty small, an empty WIP slot will free u
If items are big, it can take a while.
ger it might take to get a normal pull slot ready, the more pressure there might be to actually expedite t eyond the current WIP limits, and pushing this item along on top of the existing flow. The typical way OT to change the WIP limit definition but to go above WIP and note a WIP exception. These exceptio a topic for inspection and adaptation come time to retrospect.
on: 44
ng batch sizes might have the following impact: (choose all that apply)
hlight a need to improve processes/infrastructure to reduce the pain of frequent costly overhead. roving efficiency due to faster feedback loops.
er efficiency due to overhead/transaction costs in case the batch size is too small. her motivation due to seeing your work get done and deliver value earlier.
r: A,B,C,D
ng batch sizes is a powerful lever with many potential effects. Finding the right batch size requires inspe aptation by the Scrum Team based on seeing their flow in action and the effect on different soft and hard
Answer: B,C
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Question: 45
What can a specific work item’s Cycle Time metric be used for? (choose the best three answers)
To influence the team’s Service Level Expectation (SLE).
To help the team inspect and adapt their process.
As a leading indicator to the length of feedback loop for that Work Item.
As a lagging indicator to the length of feedback loop for that Work Item.
To help the team inspect and adapt their Sprint in the Daily Scrum.
Cycle time metric is a lagging indicator of flow. It is available only after an item is actually finished from the workflow perspective (e.g. reached a Done lane on the Kanban board). It is typically used to drive improvement work as well as to be able to establish internal/external expectations as to the team’s turnaround time on specific items.
WIP and Work Item Age are leading indicators for the length of feedback loop of a Work Item and inspecting and adaptation of the Sprint at the Daily Scrum.
Question: 46
Time ocity
in Progress (WIP)
Cycle Time
ughput Item Age
r: C,D,E,F
basic metrics of flow that Scrum Teams using Kanban need to track are as follows: Progress (WIP): The number of work items started but not finished.
ime: The amount of elapsed time between when a work item starts and when a work item finishes.
tem Age: The amount of time between when a work item started and the current time. This applies only hat are still in progress.
hput: The number of work items finished per unit of time.
on: 47
f these are LEAST likely to be included in the definition of "Workflow" policies? (choose the best thre answers)
nition of Done.
The basic metrics of flow that Scrum Teams using Kanban will need to track are: (choose the four best answers)
Work D.
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Which o e
Work Item types.
Pull/prioritization policies.
A Gantt chart.
Service Level Expectations.
The Increment.
A Burndown chart.
Visualization policies.
WIP Limits.
The definition of "Workflow" includes a shared understanding within the Scrum Team of how work is defined (work items), the start state of the process, the active states for the work items, and the finished state of the process.
This includes a description of:
Defined points at which the Scrum Team considers work to have started and to have finished.
A definition of the individual units of customer value that are flowing through the Scrum Team’s system (most likely Product Backlog Items (PBIs).
ition of the workflow states that the PBIs flow through from start to finish (of which there must be at le tate).
policies about how work flows through each state (which may include items from a Scrum Team’s defi ne" and pull policies between stages). A definition of how Work in Progress (WIP) will be limited.
ervice Level Expectation (SLE) that communicates a forecast of how long it should take to complete wo
finition of "Workflow" is a strategic level whereas specific tools and artifacts are tactical and execution
on: 48
wo items would you expect to see in a service level expectation (SLE)? (choose the best two answers) obability
eriod off elapsed day recasted date
ost of engineering
r: A,B
forecasts how long it should take a given item to flow from start to finish within your workflow. The S has two parts: a period of elapsed days and a probability associated with that period (e.g., "85% of work it
inished in 8 days or less" which can also be stated as "8 days with 85% confidence/probability").
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Question: 49
Workflow can be thought of as the Scrum Team’s policy for which of the following? (choose the best answer)
Defining when development is complete and validation begins.
How to get work done.
How to increase the Team’s WIP limit.
What completed work looks like.
Answer: B
This is similar to how the Definition of Done can be considered the team’s policies for what done looks like.
Question: 50
Little’s Law is extremely valuable for directly predicting the future since it gives us a measure of what happened in the past? (Choose the best answer)
True – By understanding our Cycle Time we can use Little’s Law to reduce our WIP limits.
False – Relying only on your Cycle Time measurements may incorrectly influence you to cut your WIP limits.
r: B ation:
law cannot predict the future. For example, the effect of reducing WIP limits cannot be predicted – it d ther the Scrum Team can achieve effective flow with lower WIP limits.
Little’s epends
on whe
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