Salesforce Industries-CPQ-Developer Questions & Answers

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Salesforce Certified Industries CPQ Developer
Question: 86
A company wants to charge different prices for a service dependingon the bandwidth and network selected by the
* If bandwidth is 1 GB and network is ”Internet the price is $10/monthly and $5/one-time-charge
* If bandwidth is 10 GB and network is ”external,” the price is $20/monthly and $0/one-time-charge
Which type of pricing should the developer configure to meet these requirements?
A . Usage Pricing
B . Context rules for pricing adjustments
C . Cost and Margin Pricing
D . Attribute Based Pricing
Answer: D
Question: 87
Felix is the Vlocity CPQ Administrator, and he’s creating a new product bundle that includes a child product. There
can only be one child product at a time in the bundle; it must be added automatically to the cart along with the parent
product; and users should be prevented from deleting it .
What is the easiest way for Felix to do this?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A . To create a child product with a cardinality of 1, 1, 1
B . To create an Auto-Add product configuration rule and a Requires product configuration rule
C . To set the Auto-Add and No Delete flags
D . To create a configuration context rule
Answer: A
Question: 88
Which of these questions would you use to decide that you should use a promotion instead of an offer to market
products? (Choose THREE)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A . Product is available to limited set of customers.
B . Product is available only to B2C customers.
C . Product is available for a limited time.
D . Product needs to be sold quickly.
E . Product cost is increasing.
Answer: A,C,D
Question: 89
Which two use cases are supported using context rules?
A . If a customer qualifies for a promotion
B . If a penalty applies when cancelling a promotion
C . Modifying product attribute values
D . Requiring another product when a product is added to the cart
E . When one product is added to the card another product is excluded
F . Recommending another product when a product is added to the cart
Answer: D
Question: 90
A price list: (Choose THREE)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A . Is always associated with a price book.
B . Is used to create pricing variables.
C . Contains price list entries.
D . Can be a parent price list or child price list.
E . Is the same as a price book.
Answer: A,C,D
Question: 91
In Guided Selling, which of these updates the items in the cart?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A . done
B . vlcCart
C . CpqAppHandler
D . createCart
E . getCartsltems
F . getCartsProducts
G . putCartsltems
H . postCartsltems
. checkout
. submit
Answer: G
Question: 92
What does the selectable items element do in a Guided Selling OmniScript? (Choose TWO)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test
A . Retrieves filtered products from the product catalog
B . Lists products retrieved by the remote action
C . Invokes the remote method postC arts Items
D . Stores the filters for the products to be retrieved
Answer: B,C
Question: 93
Which type of action can be used in a Configuration/Validation Advanced Rule?
A . Restriction
B . Product Relationship
C . Penalty
D . Qualification
Answer: B
Question: 94
Which of these rule types can you use to ensure that a valid combination of products is added to the Can?
A . Availability
B . Compatibility
C . Eligibility
D . All of the above
Answer: B
Question: 95
What is CpQAppHancfler?
A . The remote method used to filter products from the shared catalog
B . An Angular directive within the persistent cart templates that contains CPQ loqk
C . A specialized global Apex class that includes methods to perform CPQ functions
D . An integration procedure invoked by the persistent cart that performs CPQ functions
Answer: C
Question: 96
Which of these is true for a time plan?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when takingthis Test.
A . it has a start date.
B . it has an end date.
C . it has a length of time.
D . it can be prorated.
Answer: C
Question: 97
Which of the following are the key technologies that power guided selling experience?
A . Vlocity OmniScript
B . Vlocity CPQ
C . Vlocity Order Management
D . Vlocity Account Manager
Answer: A,B
Question: 98
In Vlocity CME. if you want to regenerate the JSON attribute fields for all products in your product catalog, what job
should you run?
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A . EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob. accessible in Vlocity University’s training orgs via the Process Attributes button.
B . ProductAttributesBatchProcessor, which can be run via the Refresh Pricebook function on the CMT Administration
C . ProductHierarchyBatchProcessor, which can be run via the Refresh Pricebook function on the CMT Administration
D . ResolveProductHierarchyBatchJob, which can be run via the Product Hierarchy Maintenance function on the CMT
Administration screen.
Answer: A
Question: 99
Which of these is part of a pricing element? (Choose TWO)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
A . The price category
B . The currency code
C . The charge (amount)
D . Whether the charge is a cost or price
Answer: B,C
Question: 100
How Can you Change the line item’s configuration in Vlocity Cart?
A . Delete and re-add the product
B . Click the cart line item Actions menu and select Configure
C . Updatethe product’s attribute in Vlocity Product Console
D . Invoke Field Mapper
Answer: B

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